Governor’s Seminar October 6-7, 2018 District 3 2018 – 2020 Biennial Goals Governor’s Presentation Governor’s Seminar October 6-7, 2018
Goal 2: Membership - Goals District 3 will have a 5% increase in membership from May 31 2018 to May 31 2020. District 3 will have at least 2 new clubs per biennium. District 3 will have at least 2 more Z clubs and at least 1 more Golden Z club from May 31 2018 to May 31 2020. District 3 and Club leaders use the Leadership Training program to effectively manage Zonta business.
We Work to Achieve Gender Equality Primary Goal We Work to Achieve Gender Equality By Empowering Women Our primary goal is to achieve gender equality by empowering women. 3
Goals Goal 1: Service, Advocacy, Education Goal 2: Membership Growth Goal 3: Get Known via Centennial Anniversary Our district goals are aligned with the ZI goals for this biennium. Goal 1 is service, advocacy and education. Goal 2 is Membership Growth, Goal 3 is to get known. We want to use the Centennial Anniversary to reach more and more people. 4
How? Goal1: Service and Advocacy Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women Ending Early Child Marriages under this Umbrella At Least 3 Clubs Take Action to End Early Child Marriages Target Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, DC 12 Targeted International Countries Direct Advocacy Project to US Legislatures Join with Others Clubs, Districts share and learn more to empower women and girls 2 Clubs to partner with like organizations for empowerment of women and girls How? Through the years we have under the umbrella of our Say No to Violence pursued trafficking, all types of violence, now we are adding to End Early Child Marriages. While the ZI focus is on our 12 targeted countries, I would like us to include the states that we are in. Bobbee plans to take this issue to our US Legislature. The more of you that can join her on this, the stronger the message will be. The more we share with each other, the more we will learn more ways to empower women and girls. Clubs to join clubs in projects, even joining clubs in other districts. Another part of our goal is to have at least two clubs partner with a like-minded organization on a project to empower women and girls. Any ideas? 5
How? Goal1: Education Each Club Participates in 2 Student Awards YWPA, JMK, WIT (Women in Technology), AE Clubs Awareness Spreads to Community, States Members Take the Leadership Training Program Our scholarship programs and our Z and Golden Z clubs are our future members. We need to participate in these award programs and give them the opportunity to grow and to learn about us at the same time. As we learn more and more about how to empower women and girls, how to end early child marriages, we each need to first update our clubs on this, and then start spreading the awareness to our communities and our state. The leadership program is for every member – it’s an excellent way to learn more about Zonta. 6
How? Goal 2: Membership Pat, our Membership chair will discuss the strategies with you to accomplish these District goals. Obviously we all are challenged by retention, probably first, and by finding new members. All this and you are hearing from everyone that we need to infuse youth into our organizations. So how do we do all this? Get involved in youth programs – Z and Golden Z clubs, even Girl Scouts who actually have a similar mission statement as we. Nancy, you are involved with Girl Scouts? Have any of you kept a list of all the student awardees you have? What is a good way to keep in contact with our awardees?Overall net growth is a very logical step: the more members the more women we can empower. If each of us empowered one woman or girl, then look at how many we can help as club. 7
Congratulations District 3 Zontians Winner of highest percent membership growth You are terrific, members. Donna and I were called onstage to receive this award as the winner of the highest percent of membership growth. It belongs to all of you and your club members. 8
To more effectively empower women. How? Goal 3: Become Known with Centennial Anniversary We will honor a person or organization for outstanding achievement to empower women. District 3 and Clubs report on actions taken that increase Zonta’s visibility To more effectively empower women. Centennial Plans – Kim Rosenfield, Centennial Anniversary Coordinator will discuss Resources: Kim Rosenfield, Centennial Anniversary Coordinator Chair Cathy Campbell, PR Chair Joanne Gallos Our District will honor a person or organization for outstanding achievement to empower women. Do any of you have the name of a person or organization that you believe qualifies for this – other than Oprah or Megan Markle? Send me a write up about the person or organization that you are recommending. Our PR chair, Cathy is ready to help you plan a campaign on how to make your empowering actions more visible. Your Centennial plans need to be advertised also. Do any of you know of an organization that has the same mission as we do? Are they local to your community? Then with them, you can define a project to do together, fill out the form, send to me first and then we can go. Kim will talk more about this and also how we plan to celebrate THIS year as well as next year for our Centennial. 9
THANK YOU, D3 ZONTIANS For your passion to Zonta For your belief and support in the ZI Mission and Vision For your support to the District For your volunteered and continued involvement in both local and international projects To Stop Violence To Achieve Gender Equality To Empower Women and Girls Thank you. It is so difficult to manage time constraints from work and families with all the volunteer work thrown at you by Zonta. Thank you and know we are aware and appreciate youor passion, your time, your belief in Zonta, and your support to ZI , the District, and your clubs. Our clubs have accomplished much to stop violence and to empower women and girls. 10
We are the Bridge to the Future