Immunity to infectious agents
Immunity to extracellular bacteria Disease is caused by two mechanisms: First ,inflammation Second,toxins(endotoxins,exotoxins)
Innate immunity Complement activation Phagocytosis Inflammatory response
Adaptive immunity to extracellular bacteria Antibodies a)Neutralization b)Opsonisation c)Complement activation Protein antigens of ex. Bacteria Activate Ths activation of macrophages and neutrophils Local Inflammation stimulate antibody production
Injurious effects of immune response Inflammation Septic shock (circulatory collapse and DIC) Microbial component macrophages cytokines(TNF,IL-1,IL-6) Superantigens Rheumatic fever Nephritis
Immunity to intracellular bacteria Innate immunity Phagocytes and NK cells DC and Macroph. IL-12 ,IL-15 Nk cells activation IFN- macrophage activation
Adaptive immunity T CD4 T CD8
Immunity to viruses Innate immunity Adaptive immunity Antibodies CTL