Where we grow up, and the community we live in, has a massive influence on our health and wellbeing
What are Neighbourhoods? “A community” with a population between 30,000 and 50,000 with clusters of GP surgeries at the centre Location based Includes lots of different groups and services All working together to provide person centred care GP practices, the council, charities Community services e.g. district nurses, health visitors, and therapists Resident groups and PPGs
What does it mean for me/us? You’ll hear from Shirley more about this but we think it means: Supporting residents not to go to Hospital unless they really need to Creating a stronger local voice for residents so that they have the opportunity to work directly with health services in their community to ensure the right health, social care and community services are accessible now and in the future Helping residents to improve their quality of life Geographically co-located Small enough to be able to create an integrated workforce who “know and recognise” each other but large enough to develop multi-professional teams As far as possible to align to local existing community groupings so that potential future opportunities to utilise neighbourhoods to create community hubs where populations span more than one neighbourhood Understand and use existing service configurations/boundaries to support redesign work e.g. nursing teams
Why are we doing this? People are living longer lives, developing illnesses of older age People are using services for longer Financial pressures on health and social care system Need to keep people well for longer (prevention) When people are unwell need to wrap services around them
Where are our neighbourhoods? North East 1 North West 1 North East 2 North West 2 South East 1 South West 1 South East 2 South West 2 Note that co-located premises have been separated on this map for clarity
What is happening at the moment? Lots! Looking at what groups of patients and residents make up the Neighbourhood? Examining how we might look after those who are unwell, frail and complicated in a different way Bringing all the out of hospital services together, in primary care through the clinical leads for each Neighbourhood