Mid Ross Community Partnership Local Adult Health and Social Care Plan
Why A Local Adult Plan? Challenges facing Government, Public Bodies, Communities Public Bodies (Joint Working Act) Seamless health and social care services Highland – adult health and social care services are delivered by NHS Highland Highland Strategic Service Plans Community Partnerships – local plans
Highland Direction Refreshed April 2016 Live Well, Keep Well, Die Well National Strategies and Outcomes Existing Highland Plans, e.g. Older People, Highland Local Outcome Improvement Plan Currently reviewing what next at Highland level Will review all local plans and consider if any issues for Highland wide approach
Challenges Many more people are living longer, many with complex needs/frailty (1 in 20 – 1 in 10, 2035 80+) Working age population is falling – recruitment issues Public finances Increasing costs Care in a homely setting is better for people, better for finances Prevention is better than cure
New Ways of Working Fit and extra care homes Re-ablement approaches Neighbourhood Teams New Roles for Staff ‘Eco-mapping’ to galvanise support in community New Technology Overnight services
Our Mid Ross Plan Questions? Looking at the Third Row, what can you/your organisation/your community do to help? Looking at the Plan as a whole: Are these the right priorities? Is there anything important missing?