Cognitive Explanations for Schizophrenia


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Presentation transcript:

Cognitive Explanations for Schizophrenia

Learning Outcomes Outline the cognitive explanations for Schizophrenia Explore the cognitive reasons for Psychotic symptoms Explore and evaluate the scientific model of delusional thinking Explore research which demonstrates a cognitive explanation

Cognitive Explanation Hemsley (1993) suggested schizophrenics cannot distinguish between information that is already stored and new incoming information. As a result, schizophrenics are subjected to sensory overload and do not know which aspects of a situation to attend to and which to ignore. When schizophrenics first hear voices and experience any other worrying sensory experiences, they turn to their friends and relatives to confirm the validity of what they are experiencing. Some people fail to confirm the reality of these experiences, so the schizophrenic comes to believe they must be hiding the truth. Individuals then begin to reject feedback from those around them and develop delusional beliefs that they are being manipulated and persecuted. The role of biological factors is acknowledged in this explanation – it says that the condition has always existed, but is worsened by those around them

(Behavioural Outputs) Let’s remind ourselves of the Symptoms (Behavioural Outputs) POSITIVE SYMPTOMS – TYPE 1 Distortion of normal function NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS – TYPE 2 Lack of normal function Delusions, hallucinations, disorganised speech, under the control of an alien force, disordered thinking Apathy, no emotion, flat effect, social withdrawal, Alogia (Lack of Speech)

Cut and stick Activity

Frith and Done – Jigsaw learning task Use the worksheet to read about the 3 different experiments. Feed back to the rest of the group. APRC for the 3 experiments. Evaluate as a group.

Evaluation of Cognitive Approach Focuses on the current cognitions Plenty of research into the idea Influential and popular model Includes biological and the psychological Empowers the individual to change Ignores the environmental influences Unscientific Blaming the individual can make the disorder worse Is thinking irrational? Which is the cause? Which is the effect?

Similarities Differences Biological Explanation of Schizophrenia Cognitive Explanation of Schizophrenia

Exam Question Past paper - June 2011 There are many explanations for schizophrenia including biological ones. Describe one explanation for schizophrenia and compare this with one other explanation. Comparisons include considering similarities and/or differences. (12 Marks)