Conference , Karviná
Integrated urban development plans Integrated Operational Programme Intervention area 5.2. – Improving the environment in problematic houses estates – Enhancing of the quality of life and environment for inhabitans of problematic housing estates – Focused on the prevention of social decline, segregation and ghettoisation in housing estates – EUR 192 millions were allocated for the intervention area 5.2 from the ERDF
Integrated urban development plans Support for problem zones of cities Cities over inhabitants Social and economical problems of inhabitants - long- term unemployment, increased crime, low level of education, etc. Primary problem is not condition of residential buildings, but social problems of population
Pilot projects of IUDPs Supported activities: Revitalization of public areas Regeneration of appartment houses Social inclusion activities 6 towns include pilot projects in their IUDPs: Kladno, Přerov, Brno, Most, Orlová, Ostrava
Pilot projects of IUDPs Other towns solve problems with social excluded Roma localities with IUDPs too –Havířov, Karviná, Bohumín, Cheb, Vsetín, Olomouc, Ústí nad Labem, Chomutov, Litvínov, Jirkov, Příbram, Písek, České Budějovice The MA has established a working group for pilots projects to coordinate activities between towns and Ministries, the Office of the Czech Government - Agency for social inclusion
Pilot projects of IUDPs – example of good practice Brno –Pilot project Second Chance Ostrava –Projekt Housing with accompanying social program –Centrom o.s. Most –Housing estates - Chanov, Stovky –Interconnection housing estates Chanov, Stovky with the city
Pilot projects of IUDPs – example of good practice Přerov –Project We go to work Orlová –Revitalization of residential buildings - involvement of local residents –RPG RE, NNO Kladno –IUDP plan failed; Meat factory object –Positive in the Projects bellow line
EU Funds Integrated Operational Program –5.2.a - Revitalization of public areas –5.2.b - Regeneration of residential buildings –3.1.b - Services contribution to social integration –3.1.c - Investment support for social economy
EU Funds Operational Program Human Resources and Employment – Support for social integration and social services – Support for social integration of Roma comunities – Integration of socially excluded groups in the labor market Operational Program Education for Competitiveness – Equal opportunities for children and pupils, including children and pupils with special educational needs
Recommended measures Establishment and support of housing for people in crisis Penetrable sytem of housing –Pilot project od Agency Guaranteed housing Involvement of local residents - repair of buildings –For exaple: Ostrava – Kunčičky – Osada Míru, Ostrava – Liščina, Orlová –Havířov – Prostřední Suchá – start of implementation 09/2012
Recommended measures Transparent, clear rules for allocation of public housing Housing loss prevention programs Institute of a special recipient Establishment of caretakers
Pilot project of Agency Guaranteed housing Is based on the use of private rental housing for social housing Private company that owns apartments in exchange for the redevelopment risk guarantee (special guarantee fund or commercial insurance against non-payment of rent) accede to the non-market rent, apartments location outside of socially excluded localities The pilot project of the Agency for social inclusion in Litvinov and Cheb
Thank you for your attention Helena Palicová, lokální konzultantka pro Havířov