Year 2 Spring Term Week 11 Lesson 2


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Presentation transcript:

Year 2 Spring Term Week 11 Lesson 2 Time Year 2 Spring Term Week 11 Lesson 2

Today we will be learning to: use and understand words about time read the time to the o’clock and half past on different types of clock solve simple problems relating to time.

Mental Activity What do we know about the number 5? 5

How many years ago were you five years old? Is it odd or even? What are four lots of 5? What is double 5? How many years ago were you five years old?

Today we are going to be looking at clocks Main Activity Today we are going to be looking at clocks and how to tell the time.

What do you know about clocks?

What is the difference between an analogue clock and a digital clock? An analogue clock has hands. A digital clock uses only numbers.

If I was an alien from outer space and didn’t know what a clock looked like how would you describe one for me, so I could draw it?

My analogue clock

Group Work Sit in groups with children you do not normally work with. You are going to make your own clock. Make sure you have a clock face to look at.