CP World History Mrs. Blalock-Edwards
CP World History 8/10/2018 Do Now: Find your seat Objective: I will understand the goals and procedures of this class Agenda: Introduction Syllabus School goals and expectations Why study history? All about you activity Homework: Have syllabus signed by parent
CP World History 8/14/2018 Do Now: Find the Continents and Oceans Objective: I will understand the difference between history and prehistory Agenda: Why Study History? Prehistory Notes Archeologist Activity Homework: Have syllabus signed by parent
CP World History 8/16/2018 Do Now: Correct the Timeline Objective: I will understand the difference between history and prehistory Agenda: Prehistory Notes Archeologist Activity Discovery of Lucy Introduction to project Homework: Earliest People
CP World History 8/29/2018 Do Now: Mesopotamia Objective: I will understand the difference Paleolithic age and the Neolithic Revolution Agenda: Notes: Emergence of civilization Video: From Nomads to Farmers Independent Practice: Dawn of Civilization Homework: blalockt@jenningsk12. org
CP World History 8/31/2018 Do Now: The Sumerians Objective: I will understand the difference Paleolithic age and the Neolithic Revolution Agenda: Test review and practice Chapter 1 assessment study guide Review Jeopardy Homework: The dawn of civilization Test Friday A day 9/1
CP World History 09/5/2018 Do Now: Timeline Review Objective: I will understand the difference Paleolithic age and the Neolithic Revolution Agenda: Test Early Civilizations Web quest 641556 Homework: The dawn of civilization
CP World History 8/31/2018 Do Now: Grab Humans Try to Control Nature Handout Objective: I will understand the difference Paleolithic age and the Neolithic Revolution Agenda: Finish Presentations Finish The First People Packet Chapter 1 assessment Review Jeopardy Homework: The First People Review Packet Test Friday A day 9/1
CP World History 9/02/2018 Do Now: Study Notes Objective: I will understand the difference Paleolithic age and the Neolithic Revolution Agenda: Prehistory Unit Test Web quest: Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt. Homework: Finish Web quest
CP World History 9/07/2018 Do Now: The Babylonians Objective: I will understand how the first civilizations developed. Agenda: Finish Code of Hammurabi Webquest Ancient Civilizations Research and Timeline Activity. Introduction to Ancient Egypt. Homework: Turn in web quest
CP World History 9/07/2018 Do Now: Mesopotamia Objective: I will understand how the first civilizations developed. Agenda: Video: From Nomads to Farmers Notes: Rise of Civilization and Mesopotamia Guns, Germs and Steel Video and Questions Homework: Turn in web quest
CP World History 9/11/2018 Do Now: The Warlike Assyrians Objective: I will understand how the first civilizations developed. Agenda: Hook Exercise: Finding a homeland Notes: Introduction to Ancient Egypt Independent practice: Constructed Response Homework: Turn in web quest
CP World History 9/13/2018 Do Now: Egypt: The Gift of the Nile Objective: I will understand how the first civilizations developed. Agenda: Egyptian Hyroglyphics activity Introduction to project: Mummies, Pyramids, Pharaohs, Oh My! Homework: Turn in Nile River Assignment
CP World History 9/15/2018 Do Now: Egypt: The Gift of the Nile Objective: I will understand how the first civilizations developed. Agenda: Introduction to project: Mummies, Pyramids, Pharaohs, Oh My! Start Egyptian twitter, snap chat and Facebook page Homework: Turn in Nile River Assignment
CP World History 9/19/2018 Do Now: Egyptian Contributions Objective: I will understand how the first civilizations developed. Agenda: Introduction to project: Mummies, Pyramids, Pharaohs, Oh My! Start Egyptian twitter, snap chat and Facebook page Homework: Turn in Nile River Assignment
Mummy on Twitter “Mummy” on twitter(20 Pts) Creative Title Two “Pictures” of the mummification process Accurately and specifically “Hashtag” the diagrams Neatness and creativity
CP World History 9/18/2018 Do Now: Egyptian Contributions Objective: I will understand how the first civilizations developed. Agenda: Introduction to project: Mummies, Pyramids, Pharaohs, Oh My! Start Egyptian twitter, snap chat and Facebook page Homework: Turn in Nile River Assignment
CP World History 10/04/2018 Do Now: Egypt Quiz Objective: I will be able to describe how the Egyptian civilization developed. Agenda: Egypt Review Egypt: Engineering an Empire Activity: The Persian empire web quest Homework: Study For Test Test Monday!
CP World History 10/08/2018 Do Now: 5 min to study 714416 Objective: I will understand how the first civilizations developed. Agenda: Test: First Civilizations Scavenger Hunt: Mesoamerica After your test, go to my web page blalockt.weebly.com and click on Mesoamerica scavenger hunt. Use this to click on sites. Answer questions on a separate sheet of paper Homework: Finish Scavenger Hunt
CP World History 10/09/2018 Do Now: Create three multiple choice test questions you believe will be on the test Objective: I will be able to describe how the Egyptian, Persian and Hebrew civilization developed. Agenda: Chapter 2 Assessment Pg 66 Do questions 4,9,15,18,20,21,22,24 Kahoot Review Game Homework: Test next class period!
CP World History 10/10/2018 Do Now: How did Native American Civilizations Flourish? Objective: I will be able to describe how the Mesoamerican civilization developed. Agenda: Notes: Mayan, Aztecs and Incas Video clip Meso American Map Homework: Mesoameria Handout Due Tuesday
CP World History 10/18/2018 Do Now: Mayan Civilization Review Objective: I will be able to describe how the Mesoamerican civilization developed. Agenda: Notes: Incas Video clip over Inca Civilization Video: Mankind, The Story of All of Us with guided questions. Homework: Mesoamerican civilization assignment due Tuesday
CP World History 10/24/2018 Do Now: Aztec Civilization Review Objective: I will be able to describe how the Mesoamerican civilization developed. Agenda: Notes: Incas Video clip over Inca Civilization Inca Activity Inca: Engineering an Empire Homework: Finish Scavenger Hunt
CP World History 10/25/2018 Do Now: Civilization Review Objective: I will be able to describe how the Mesoamerican civilization developed. Agenda: Notes: Early Americans Mesoamerica Tic Tac Toe Group Assignment Homework: Finish Scavenger Hunt
CP World History 10/26/2018 Do Now: Aztec Civilization Review Objective: I will be able to describe how the Mesoamerican civilization developed. Agenda: Video: Aztecs Engineering and Empire Mesoamerica Tic Tac Toe Group Assignment Homework: Finish Scavenger Hunt
CP World History 10/23/2018 Do Now: Act Review Objective: I will be able to describe how the Mesoamerican civilization developed. Agenda: Video: Mandkind/Africa Notes: Intro to Ancient Africa Geography of Ancient Africa Homework: Read Chapter
CP World History 10/24/2018 Do Now: Africa KWL Objective: I will be able to describe how the African civilizations developed. Agenda: Chris Tucker in Africa Notes: Introduction to Ancient Africa Review Geography of Africa: Map exercise Video: Africa a history denied Homework: Africa Packet
CP World History 11/2/2018 Do Now: Who is King Taharqa Objective: I will be able to describe how the African civilizations developed. Agenda: Project Workday: African Civilization Presentation Homework: Africa Packet
CP World History 11/6/2017 Do Now: Mansa Musa Objective: I will be able to describe how the African civilizations developed. Agenda: African Civilization Crossword Constructed Response questions Video: Africa a history denied Homework:
CP World History 11/08/2018 Do Now: King Taharqua Objective: I will be able to describe how the system of apartheid in South Africa. Agenda: Notes: Apartheid in South Africa Sarafina Homework: Apartheid in South Africa
CP World History 11/14/2018 Do Now: King Taharqua Objective: I will be able to describe how the African civilizations developed. Agenda: Notes: Apartheid in South Africa Sarafina Homework: Apartheid in South Africa
CP World History 11/16/2018 Do Now: Who is Nelson Mandela? Objective: I will be able to describe how the system of apartheid in South Africa. Agenda: Cooperative Learning Activity: Apartheid-Era DBQ Independent Practice: South Africa DBQ Speech Video: Sarafina Homework: Test Next Week
CP World History 11/27/2018 Do Now: Create Three Multiple Choice Questions From Your Study Guide Objective: I will be able to describe how the African civilizations developed. Agenda: Africa and Mesoamerica Test Ancient Greece Scavenger Hunt Homework: Have a Good Holiday Break!
CP World History 11/29/2018 Do Now: Kwl chart Objective: I will be able to describe how Greek society changed the world Agenda: Introduction to Ancient Greece: Notes Greece: A moment in excellence Trial of Socrates Homework:
CP World History 11/30/2018 Do Now: Life In Athens Objective: I will be able to describe how Greek society changed the world Agenda: Introduction to Ancient Greece: Notes Ancient Greece Learning Stations Homework: Geography of Ancient Greece
CP World History 12/04/2018 Do Now: Life in Sparta Objective: I will be able to describe how Greek society changed the world Agenda: Trial of Socrates Geography of Ancient Greece Homework: Democracy in Greece
CP World History 12/05/2018 Do Now: Greece’s Golden Age Objective: I will be able to describe how Greek society changed the world Agenda: Notes: Alexander the Great Constructed Response Question Madea Essay Homework: Democracy in Greece
CP World History 12/07/2018 Do Now: Greece Review Objective: I will be able to describe how Greek society changed the world Agenda: Greece a moment in exellance Rome: Engineering an empire Intro: Roman Empire Homework: The Peloponnesian war and its aftermath
CP World History 12/13/2018 Do Now: Greek Life Objective: I will be able to describe how Greek society changed the world Agenda: Final Study Guide Final Review Game Homework: Use Study Guide to Study for Final Exam
CP World History 12/12/2018 Do Now: Map Moment Objective: I will be able to describe how Greek society changed the world Agenda: Finish Final Study Guide Final Review Game Homework: Use Study Guide to Study for Final Exam
CP World History 12/13/2018 Do Now: Map Moment Objective: I will be able to describe how Greek society changed the world Agenda: Finish Final Study Guide Final Review Game Homework: Use Study Guide to Study for Final Exam
CP World History 1/24/2019 Do Now: Vestal Virgins Objective: I will be able to describe how Roman society changed the world Agenda: Horrible Histories Clip Ancient Rome: Geography and Early Republic Rome: Engineering an Empire Homework: None today
Roman Empire Web quest Go through my web page and click on World history page, then click on Roman empire web quest. Blalockt.weebly.com or go directly to site https://bruinhistorywebquests.wikispaces.com/Ancien t+Rome+Webquest
CP World History 1/26/2019 Do Now: Rome and the Rise of Christianity Objective: I will be able to describe how Christianity Changed the Roman Empire Agenda: Video Clip: Jesus and The Roman Empire Notes: Rome and the Rise of Christianity Guided Reading activity: The Republic vs. The Empire Engineering an Empire Homework: Turn in Timeline
CP World History 1/30/2019 Do Now: The Roman State: How did the Twelve Tables define Rome. Objective: I will be able to describe how Roman society changed the world Agenda: Finishing Engineering an Empire Enrichment Activity: Comparing The Roman Empire to our Government Roman Empire study guide Homework: None today
CP World History 2/01/2018 Do Now: How did the Roman Empire fall? Objective: I will be able to describe how Roman society changed the world Agenda: Video Pompeii Roman Empire study guide Quizlet Review: Log in and complete following Learn, Match and Test Homework: Test Friday
CP World History 2/5/2018 Do Now: 5 min to study Objective: I will be able to describe how Roman society changed the world Agenda: Test Roman Empire World Religions Scavenger hunt 4th (275339) 3rd (283887) Homework: None
CP World History 2/7/2018 Do Now: What do you know about the different religions of the world kwl Objective: I will be able to describe the five major religions of the world. Agenda: Notes: Intro to Hinduism India map activity Hinduism Practices and God Activity Intro to project Homework: Start on Religion chart
CP World History 2/9/2018 Do Now: What is Hinduism? Agenda: Objective: I will be able to describe the five major religions of the world. Agenda: Notes: Comparison of Hinduism and Buddhism Hinduism Practices and Gods Stations Buddhism and Hinduism Constructed Response Questions Homework: None
CP World History 2/13/2018 Do Now: What is Hinduism? Agenda: Objective: I will be able to describe the five major religions of the world. Agenda: Hinduism Practices and Gods Stations Buddhism and Hinduism Constructed Response Questions Homework: None
CP World History 2/15/2018 Do Now: What is Judaism? Objective: I will be able to describe the five major religions of the world. Agenda: Guided Notes: Intro to Judasim Ancient Hebrews Activity: Yahwh and his relationship with the Hebrews Pg 8,10 and 11 The Ten Commands Chart Homework: What is Judaism Reading
CP World History 2/21/2018 Do Now: How does the Ten Commandments impact modern laws? Objective: I will be able to describe the five major religions of the world. Agenda: Notes: The Spread of Christianity and The Rise of Islam Historical Analysis: Why did the Roman Empire Persecute Christians? World Religions Scrapbook Project Homework: Finish Packet
CP World History 2/23/2018 Do Now: How has Islam impacted the world? Objective: I will be able to describe the five major religions of the world. Agenda: Video: The history of Islam World Religions Scrapbook Project Homework: Finish Packet
CP World History 2/27/2018 Do Now: Match the Religious activity with the correct religion. Objective: I will be able to describe the five major religions of the world. Agenda: World Religions Scrapbook Project: Last day to work on scrapbook Turn in Religion Packet at end of period Share your scrapbook through google slides. Homework: Test Wednesday
CP World History 2/28/2018 Do Now: What is Buddhism? Objective: I will be able to describe the five major religions of the world. Agenda: World Religions Scrapbook Project: Last day to work on scrapbook Turn in Religion Packet at end of period Share your scrapbook through google slides. Homework: Test Friday
541935 CP World History 03/07/2018 Do Now: Five min to study Objective: I will be able to describe the five major religions of the world. Agenda: Test Today Middle Ages Web Quest 541935 Homework: Finish Webquest
CP World History 3/9/2018 Do Now: What is the Dark Ages? Agenda: Objective: I will be able to describe life in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire Agenda: Notes Intro to Dark Ages Middle ages constructed response questions Middle Ages Learning Stations Homework: Finish Web Quest
CP World History 03/15/2018 Do Now: Life on the Manor Agenda: Objective: I will be able to describe life in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire Agenda: Royal Power grows notes and Graphic organizer: Royal power in England Activity: The Magna Carta Project: Magana Carta Storyboard Homework: Middle Ages Packet
CP World History 3/21/2018 Do Now: What is the Magna Carta? Agenda: `` Objective: I will be able to describe life in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire Agenda: `` Class Project: Magna Carta Comic Strip Create your own Magna Carta assignment. Video learning: The rest of the world during the middle ages Homework: Turn in Middle Ages Packet
World History 04/4/2018 Do Now: The Renaissance Agenda: `` Objective: I will be able to describe life in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire Agenda: `` Notes: Introduction to the Renaissance Guided Reading Activity Renaissance Choice Board Activity Homework: Finish Web Quest
World History 04/6/2018 Do Now: The Scientific Revolution Agenda: `` Objective: I will be able to describe the impact of the Renaissance on European society. Agenda: `` Renaissance Choice Board Activity Notes: Protestant Reformation Constructed Response Question Homework: Review Notes
CP World History 04/10/2018 Do Now: The Renaissance Agenda: `` Objective: I will be able to describe how Martin Luther changed the church Agenda: `` Protestant Reformation Notes Protestant Reformation Guided Reading Protestant Reformation Play Homework: Test Monday
CP World History 04/16/2018 Do Now: Printing Press Agenda: Objective: I will be able to describe how western society changed Agenda: Guided Reading Renaissance Review Crossword Review: Study Guide over Renaissance and Middle Ages Homework: Test Next Week
World History 04/18/2018 Do Now: The Spanish Agenda: Objective: I will be able to describe how western society changed during the Renaissance Agenda: Quizlet Review Chapter 9 and 10 and 12 quizlet. Go to my website and do learn, match and test Homework: Test Next Class
World History 04/20/2018 552508 Do Now: None Agenda: Objective: I will be able to describe how western society changed during the Renaissance Agenda: Test over Chapter 9 and 10 and 12 552508 Enlightenment Webquest Homework: None
CP World History 04/27/2018 Do Now: Elizabeth I Agenda: Objective: I will be able to describe how monarchs used total power during the age of Absolutism Agenda: Elizabeth: The Golden Age with questions Age of Absolutism Notes Age of Absolutism: Monarch Resume Homework: Finish Chart
CP World History 04/18/2017 Do Now: Elizabeth I Agenda: Objective: I will be able to describe how monarchs used total power during the age of Absolutism Agenda: Age of Absolutism Notes Age of Absolutism: Monarch Resume Homework: Complete Research Test Next Week
World History 04/30/2018 Do Now: Elizabeth I and Divine Right Agenda: Objective: I will be able to describe how monarchs used total power during the age of Absolutism Agenda: Elizabeth I Constructed Response Enlightenment Notes Enlightenment Philosophers Guided Reading Homework:
World History 05/15/2018 995515 Do Now: CNN Student News Agenda: Objective: I will be able to describe how monarchs used total power during the age of Absolutism Agenda: Final Study Guide 995515 Homework: Study Final Questions
CP World History 04/27/2017 Do Now: Political Thought Agenda: Objective: I will be able to describe how monarchs used total power during the age of Absolutism Agenda: Independent practice: The Enlightenment Personal philosophy Age of Reason Video Homework: Complete Research
Writing Assignment #1: Your Personal Philosophy One page, 12 point, Name, date, and block printed in upper right corner Write a short essay in which you outline your current personal beliefs and where they came from In explaining your beliefs, consider the following questions: Are there particular issues that you care deeply about? What important local, national, or world events have happened during your lifetime that may have influenced your personal views? Are there people in your life who have influenced your political beliefs? If so, how? Which philosopher do you agree with the most? Why?