1 The Tosca Tour Part 2 We visit the sites associated with the opera Tosca: Sant Andrea della Valle, the plazzo Farnase, and the Castel Sant Angelo. It took parts of three days.
2 Credits Most pictures by Joe Naumann Some pictures by Lea Barlow from her gift CD (thanks, Lea) Animations and maps from the internet.
3 Angel on lower courtyard leading to the coffee shop
4 Moss grows everywhere
5 Bridge-walkway to the Vatican Popes often took refuge in Castel Sant Angelo
The Vatican Treasury was kept at the Castel Sant Angelo (large chests) 6
Pope Paul IIIs bedroom in the Castel Sant Angelo 7
8 Cannon repair room
9 Cannons and cannonballs
10 Weapons room in Castel Sant Angelo
11 Bridge of Angels from the Farnase apartments
12 Rome skyline
13 Different Roman skyline view
14 Tiber River
15 Garden from the Castel
16 Mary Jane and Ginny touch the Castel Sant Angelo next to the stairs where Tosca watches Mario get shot at the end of the opera
17 Joe touches the wall of Castel Sant Angelo too!
18 Michael, the archangel