Minimum income in Belgium Coverage and non-take-up
The Belgium Minimum Income => Social rights based approach 1974 Every person has the right to social services. This aims to provide citizens with the opportunity to live a life that responds to human dignity. Local social public centers have the task to ensure this services.
Minimum income : Conditions and eligibility Residence in Belgium Minimum 18 years of age Income lower than the minimum income amount Prepared to work Social inquiry Take up of other social rights Individualised project for social integration
State of play of non-take-up Scientific 2002 - Traps and springboards in European minimum income systems – the Belgian case 2007 – Examination of under protection 2011 – A first computation of non-take up behavior 2014 – Social Fraud Experience – participation - campaigns General report on poverty – 1994 Experts by experience In Belgium, non-take-up of the guaranteed income is estimated at 57% to 76% and over-take-up at between 5% and 24% (Bouckaert and Schokkaert, 2011; PwC, 2013).
Reasons for non-take-up Ignorance Negative experiences Stigmatisation Complexity of procedures and formalities Ever changing regulations Organisation of the institutions (opening hours, online applications, …) Conditions and contracts
Actions and suggestions At the level of the institution - Information, video’s, action Manuals for local Typology, checklist, … Outreach activities Implication of volunteers or users
Actions and suggestions At central level : - Automation of social rights and derived social rights Political priority in the governmental declaration 2014-2019 Crossroadbank for Social Security Only Once legislation