Qualitative & Observation Research
Conducting Focus Group Interviews
Focus Group Interviews Unstructured, free-flowing interviews with small groups of people. Consists of Moderator or interviewer 6 to 10 participants Note taker Moderator introduces topic and encourages group members to discuss the subject amongst themselves. Allow people to discuss their true feelings in their own words
Advantages of Focus Group Interviews Relatively fast Easy to execute Inexpensive Numerous topics can be discussed (unlike surveys) Multiple insights can be gained
Drawbacks of Focus Group Interviews Require sensitive and effective moderators Without such, self-appointed participants may dominate a session Halo effect on attitudes toward the concept or topic of discussion may occur, if group reacts negatively to a dominant member Participants may not be representative of the population of interest.
Requirements for Effective Focus Groups Six to ten participants Carefully screen participants Want people who have knowledge about the topic at hand Homogeneous participants in terms of some characteristic under study Relaxed atmosphere If possible, room with one-way mirror and audio- and video-recording capabilities Session duration around one hour Trained moderator Compensate for participation
7 Habits of Effective Moderators Establish personal contact with each respondent early Help respondents feel relaxed early on Win respondents to your side Deal with loud respondents; but don’t intimidate other respondents Don’t look at them when you ask questions Don’t acknowledge their raised hands Deal with inconsistent, unclear answers by mobilizing the group to help Create an environment where anything a respondent wants to say is acceptable Don’t assume you know what a respondent means by an ambiguous answer
When NOT to use Focus Groups Emotionally charged environment Researcher has lost control over critical aspects of the study Statistical projections are needed Other methodologies can produce better quality information Other methodologies can produce more economical information of the same quality Researcher cannot ensure the confidentiality of sensitive information
Types of Focus Group Questions Opening Question Round robin question Designed to be answered rather quickly Designed to identify characteristics participants have in common Preferably factual (rather than attitude or opinions) Introductory Question Introduce general topic of discussion Key Questions 2 to 5 max The questions you really want answers to Ending Questions Bring closure to the discussion. Most common is the summary question
Some Things to Consider Avoid Dichotomous Questions Questions answerable with a “yes” or “no” Avoid asking “Why” Has a sharpness or pointedness that reminds one of interrogations Asked Uncued Questions first; Cued Questions second Uncued: Open-ended; usually based on recent experiences or impressions Cued: Questions that specify some topic or aspect of a topic
Scientific Observation Is Systematic “YOU SEE, BUT YOU DO NOT OBSERVE.” Sherlock Holmes
What is Observation Research? The systematic process of recording the behavioral patterns of people, objects, and occurrences as they are witnessed. No questioning or communicating with people typically occurs. “Where observation is concerned, chance favors only the prepared mind.” Louis Pasteur
What Can Be Observed Phenomena Example Human behavior or physical Shoppers movement action pattern in a store Verbal behavior Statements made by airline travelers who wait in line Expressive behavior Facial expressions, tone of voice, and other form of body language
What Can Be Observed Phenomena Example Spatial relations How close visitors at an and locations art museum stand to paintings Temporal patterns How long fast-food customers wait for their order to be served Physical objects What brand name items are stored in consumers’ pantries Verbal and Pictorial Bar codes on product packages Records
Categories of Observation Human versus mechanical Visible versus hidden Direct
Visible vs. Hidden Observation Visible Observation Observer’s presence is known to the subject. Hidden Observation Subject is unaware that observation is taking place. Minimizes respondent error
Direct Observation Straightforward attempt to observe and record what naturally occurs The investigator does not create an artificial situation Observer Bias Distortion of measurement resulting from the cognitive behavior or actions of a witnessing observer Response Latency
Response Latency Recording the decision time necessary to make a choice between two alternatives It is presumed to indicate the strength of preference between alternatives.
Observation of Human Behavior Benefits Communication with respondent not necessary No distortions due to self-report (e.g.: no social desirability) bias No need to rely on respondents’ memory Nonverbal behavior data may be obtained
Observation of Human Behavior Benefits Certain data may be obtained more quickly Environmental conditions may be recorded May be combined with survey to provide supplemental evidence
Observation of Human Behavior Limitations Cognitive phenomena cannot be observed Interpretation of data may be a problem Not all activity can be recorded Only short periods can be observed Observer bias possible Possible invasion of privacy
Observation of Physical Objects Physical-trace evidence Wear and tear of a book indicates how often it has been read
Content Analysis Obtains data by observing and analyzing the content of advertisements, letters, articles, etc. Deals with the study of the message itself Measures the extent of emphasis or omission
Mechanical Observation Traffic Counters Web Traffic Scanners Physiological Measures
Physiological Reactions Eye tracking Pupilometer Psychogalvanometer Voice pitch
Measure unconscious eye movements Eye Tracking Monitors Measure unconscious eye movements Record how the subject actually reads or views an advertisement
Pupilometer Device observes and records changes in the diameter of the subject’s pupils.
Measures galvanic skin response Psychogalvanometer Measures galvanic skin response Involuntary changes in electrical resistance of the skin Assumption: physiological changes accompany emotional reactions
Voice Pitch Analysis Measures emotional reactions through physiological changes in a person’s voice
Measuring Physiological Reactions Problems No strong theoretical evidence supports argument that physiological change is valid measure of future sales, attitude change, or emotional response Calibration (or sensitivity) of the measuring devices Identifying arousal is one thing Precisely measuring levels of arousal is another
Measuring Physiological Reactions Problems Expense of the measuring devices Subjects usually are place in artificial surroundings and know they are being observed