A statement on common understanding of Regional Cooperation for Quality Education and Training on the occastion of the ERI SEE Secretariat Launching and Thematic Conference Belgrade, 26th October 2018
Relevance of regional cooperation We, the participants and guests, are aware that regional cooperation is of utmost importance for the South Eastern Europe region We conclude that there is a willingess, a need, and established structures, for cooperating in the area of education and training We are appraising the efforts and activities done so far, and recognize strong growth potential yet to be fully unleashed for the purpose of regional prosperity.
Relevance of regional initiatives and wider context We confirm the role the ERI SEE has played in regional cooperation, as an initiative dedicated exclusively to education and training, regionally-owned, bringing together an EU Member State and other SEE economies, and thus allowing for an even more fruitful cooperation and exchange of experiences. We confirm the regional cooperation as a relevant factor for the enhancement of education and training reforms, driven from the SEE region itself, and encouraged by the European Commission We agree that SEE regional cooperation in the area of education and training has a great potential of expanding and intensifying. We therefore ask the ERI SEE, as its founders and participants in its activities, to explore options of taking regional cooperation further, within its mandate, while taking into consideration the good practices already existing at EU level.
Support to regional cooperation for quality education and training We support the activities and achievements of already established expert groups, and expect their continuation for exploiting their further potentials, aiming at quality improvements in education and training, namely: SEEVET Net and Chambers of commerce, under the Western Balkans Alliance for Work-based Learning, focusing on the modernization of VET, cooperation with the business sector and enhancement of regional cooperation in the area of work-based learning Group of experts on Quality Assurance in general education, covering, among others, regional activities regarding external and internal assessment of institutions and education, and strengthening institutional capacities of relevant QA bodies ERI SEE and ETF driven SEE Network for Teacher Education and Trainings, focusing on improvements in this area RCC and ERI SEE Joint Working group for the Automatic Recognition of Academic Qualifications, promoting European Quality Assurance standards in higher education, accessability and transparency of Quality Assurance results and information, reflected in the smoother recognition of academic qualifications
... and are looking forward to future developments! Summary We recognize the work done so far under ERI SEE and its partners We support further development of already established and ungoing activities coordinated by ERI SEE and partners We advocate establishing even closer connection and collaboration with relevant partner organizations We hope for the realization of full potential of regonal cooperation with the purpose of enhancing quality of education and training in the region... ... and are looking forward to future developments!