Change Role Expectations Title / Role: Objective: Expectation Reason Express: (What to say?) Model: (What to show or demonstrate?) Reinforce: (What and who to hold accountable?)
Change Role Expectations EXAMPLE Title / Role: Department Managers Objective: Increase the number of ideas suggested by direct reports Expectation Reason Express: (What to say?) Continually communicate that ideas are not only welcomed, but encouraged, by presenting problems and asking for possible solutions. Historically, managers have taken it upon themselves to solve problems instead of seeking input. Leaving Model: (What to show or demonstrate?) Seek first to understand ideas before passing judgment. Help employees implement their ideas. Showing them how to react to others’ ideas constructively will demonstrate how to act in a team environment. Teaching them the path to implement their own ideas is empowering. Reinforce: (What and who to hold accountable?) Thank employees for all ideas. Reward employees for implemented ideas. For naysayers who negatively impact ideation efforts, talk to them privately, and if necessary, remove them from the team. Positive reinforcement will increase the number of ideas submitted. Removing barriers and hindrances to creativity will do the same.