The Federalist Era Early Challenges


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Presentation transcript:

The Federalist Era Early Challenges Chapter 9 Lesson 2 The Federalist Era Early Challenges

T-Cap Practice Few patriots believed __________ when he stated, “We shall have a long and bloody war to go through.” John Adams Alexander Hamilton Thomas Paine George Washington a. John Adams

Chapter Checklist Chapter 9 Washington Takes office – Lesson 1 Establishing the Court System – Lesson 1 The New Economy – Lesson 1 Whiskey Rebellion – Lesson 2 Challenges in the West – Lesson 2 Problems with Europe – Lesson 2 Opposing Parties – Lesson 3 Election of 1796 – Lesson 3 XYZ Affair – Lesson 3 Alien & Sedition Acts - 3

Daily Agenda Chapter 9 Lesson 2 Review 9-1 Quiz over 9-1 Guided Question for 9-2 Vocabulary for 9-2 Class Notes Reading Essentials Worksheet & Questions while taking notes

Guided Question What challenges on the frontier did the new government face?

Vocabulary Impressment - Seizing people against their will and forcing them to serve in the military or other public service

Cornell Notes Whiskey Rebellion New government wanted to collect taxes on some products made in US 1791 Congress passes tax on manufacture & sale of whiskey Farmers upset Anger turned to violence in July 1794 called Whiskey Rebellion Armed mob attack tax collectors & burned down buildings Washington send federal troops to maintain (keep) order

Question #7 Describe the Whiskey Rebellion and the government’s actions in response to it.

Cornell Notes Challenges in the West British & Spanish trying to stir up Native American anger again settlers Washington signed treaties with Native Americans Settlers ignored treaties. Moved on lands promised to Native Americans Washington sent troops led by General Arthur St. Clair to restore order Native Americans led by Little Turtle (Miami chief) killed 600 US soldiers. American alliance with French. Hoped it would help British urged N.A. to destroy settlements west of Appalachians. British built new fort in Ohio. Washington sent Anthony Wayne (war general) defeated N.A. in the Battle of Fallen Timbers in Ohio Treaty of Greenville (1795), N.A. surrendered present day Ohio

Question #8 What role did foreign nations play in President Washington’s relations with Native American groups?

Cornell Notes Problems with Europe Proclamation of Neutrality – French tried to bring US into their conflict with Britain. Proclamation of Neutrality prohibited Americans from fighting in the war and barred warships from US ports. British captured Americans and forced them into British navy (impressment) Jay’s treaty (John Jay). British agreed to withdraw from US. No mention of impressment. Pinckney’s Treaty – improve relations with Spain. Gave Americans free navigation of Miss. R. and right to trade at New Orleans Washington leaves office after 8 years. In farewell speech, urged US to stay neutral.

Question #9 What was Washington’s approach to foreign policy, and why was it complicated?

Reading Essentials Activity Students will work together for 10 minutes to complete the Reading Essentials Activity. We will come together to discuss the answers. The Guided Question will be discussed before dismissal.

Guided Question Question #10 What challenges on the frontier did the new government face?