The Parrot and the Grasshopper By the Third Grade Class The Characters The Setting Introduction The Story The Plot Thickens Which Ending?
The Characters
The Setting Describe the setting….
Introduction Once upon a time there was a parrot named Sam. He was so beautiful. He had colorful feathers and a bright yellow beak. Everyone thought that he must be the happiest creature on earth. Everyone knew that they would be thrilled to be so beautiful. What they did not know was that he was not happy at all! He was very rude had a bad attitude. Click on the parrot to hear what he has to say!
The Story Continues The story…. Tell the story and place pictures on the page.
The Plot Thickens More story….
Which Ending? Ending #1 Ending #2 Ending #3 Ending #4
Ending #1 ???
Ending #2 ???
Ending #3 ???
Ending #4 ???