Specialist Study in Creative Media Production Unit 12 Specialist Study in Creative Media Production 1
What is Unit 12? Unit 12 allows you to study, in depth, a specialist subject, or area, or skill of your choice, that will inform your decision with regards to your choice of project for Unit 13, your Extended Project.
What will this PowerPoint Cover? What is expected of you Portfolios Scheme of Work Study Groups Peer Reviews Critiques Reflective Log Personal Schedule
Portfolio Let’s look at it first You can find it on your Lecturers Blogs and on Facebook.
Portfolio All work will be submitted by portfolio, loaded onto a single blog post. You will load your portfolio once a week (you will be informed of when, by your Course Tutor) You will load your portfolio into the same blog post each week, with the latest one on the top. You will follow this structure for naming it:- Your name, the date, the draft number i.e. JenniB Jan 6 Draft 1
Study Groups To facilitate support and the sharing of good practice, where ever possible you will be placed in Study Groups.
Peer Reviews, Critiques and Reflections In the last lesson each week you will undertake a Peer Review, whereby you will look at the work produced by someone else (either Study Group or outside) and write a comment in their Portfolio on the work produced. You will also give a short, verbal Critique of the work that you have produced that week. You will also reflect in writing on the work that you have undertaken during the week
Personal Schedule As you have already seen in the Portfolio, you have to produce a Personal Schedule each week detailing your plan for the week. This is part of your study and research plan. You can not progress with your weeks work, until your schedule is signed.
Working Practices As has been said, you may use whatever means you feel most confident with to produce the work. If you want to produce a podcast, a video, a pictograph, a prezzi, they are all acceptable. You use what you feel is most relevant to what you are submitting.
How to Guides There is a How to Guide for nearly everything, from Referencing to making your portfolio look professional. You must use them! You can find them on your Lecturers Blog and on the Facbook page. They are in a portfolio of their own called How to!