Sulfides Simple sulfides – based on close-packed sulfur atoms, with metals in void spaces. Complex sulfides – based on molecular like clusters, chains or sheets.
Simple Sulfides Sulfides with tetrahedral coordination Sulfides with octahedral coordination Sulfides with mixed octahedral and tetrahedral coordination Sulfides with unusual coordination
Sulfides with tetrahedral coordination
Sphalerite β-ZnS
Sphalerite (β-ZnS) has cubic close-packed sulfur atoms with Zn in half of the tetrahedral sites. Stacking direction is along the cube diagonal with ABC stacking sequence producing a face-centred cubic unit cell.
wurtzite α-ZnS
Chalcopyrite’s structure is tetragonal but consists essentially of two superimposed sphalerite cell, but differs because of the two different kinds of atoms, Cu and Fe.
Tetrahedrite Cu12Sb4S13
(a) sphalerite (b) chalcopyrite (c) tetrahedrite
Enargite Cu3AsS4
If an oblique lattice has a ≈ b and γ ≈ 120º , a nearly hexagonal primitive lattice becomes a centred one. A third perpendicular c direction yields a C-centred orthorhombic lattice.
Derivative Structures Cubic Close-packed Hexagonal Close-packed Lonsdaleite Diamond Wurtzite α-ZnS Sphalerite β-ZnS Enargite Cu3AsS4 Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 Tetrahedrite Cu12Sb4S13
The unit cell of sphalerite is analogous to that of diamond in that the sulfur atoms are CCP as the carbon atoms are in diamond. Zinc atoms fit in one-half of the tetrahedral spaces. The base of the tetragonal cell of chalcopyrite (a = 5.25Å) is very close to the cubic cell edge of sphalerite at (a =5.43Å). The c dimension at 10.32Å is approximately double the sphalerite cell edge. The unit cell of tetrahedrite is cubic and twice the size of that of sphalerite at a = 10.34Å. It is however a stuffed derivative in that there are more metals than sulfurs The unit cell of wurtzite is analogous to that of lonsdaleite in that the sulfur atoms are HCP as the carbon atoms are in lonsdaleite. Zinc atoms fit in one-half of the tetrahedral spaces. Enargite is orthorhombic, but its a-axis is equal to a√3 of wurtzite. The relationship here is one wherein any hexagonal Bravais lattice can be converted to an orthorhombic one.
bornite –tarnished “peacock ore”
Sulfides with octahedral coordination
galena Pyromorphite:Pb5(PO4)3Cl Galena
Sulfides with mixed octahedral and tetrahedral coordination
pentlandite (Ni,Fe)9S8
Sulfides with unusual coordination
Covellite CuS
Chalcocite Cu2S
Cinnabar Cinnabar Cinnabar HgS
acanthite, Ag2S pseudomorphous after argentite
molybdenite MoS2
Complex Sulfides Molecular-like clusters Molecular-like chains Molecular-like sheets
Pyrite pyrite
Pyrite pyrite
Cobaltite CoAsS
(b) marcasite (a) pyrite
More Derivative Structures Pyrite group - cubic Marcasite group - orthorhombic Pyrite FeS2 Marcasite FeS2 - Cobaltite CoAsS Arsenopyrite FeAsS Cobaltite is orthorhombic, but has nearly equal axis lengths, hence close to cubic.
Skutterudite (Co,Ni)As3
CoAs3-x Skutterudite-type structures e.g. M4X12 filled skutterudite RM4X12 Typical compositions are (Co,Ni,Fe)As3-x so the end- members NiAs3-x and FeAs3-x nickel-skutterudite and ferro- skutterudite also exist R = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Nd, Eu (i.e. rare earths M = Fe, Ru, Os X = P, As, Sb
orpiment realgar
Stibnite Stibnite Sb2S3
Stibnite Sb2S3 The structure is composed of chain-like groups of Sb (large circles) and S (small circles)
Yellow = S, Purple = Bi , Green = Pb, Blue = Cu bismuthinite krupkaite aikinite Bi2S3 CuPbBi3S6 CuPbBi S3 Yellow = S, Purple = Bi , Green = Pb, Blue = Cu The aikinite-bismuthinite (CuPbBiS3-Bi2S3) series of ordered derivatives (superstructures) is based on the incremental Bi + vacancy → Pb + Cu substitution (Petříček & Makovicky 2006). Members of the series include Aikinite, Bismuthinite, Emilite, Friedrichite, Gladite, Krupkaite, Paarite, Pekoite and Salzburgite.
Aikinite CuPbBiS3
Potosiite Pb6Sn2FeSb2S14