Measurements of Current Driven by LH Waves in Alcator C-Mod C.B. Forest, P.T. Bonoli, R. Parker and S. Scott
Motivation and Background Initial LHCD experiments have begun: f0 = 4.6 GHz and PLH1.5 MW Simulations predict ILH / Ip 0.35 with JLH > JOH MSE measurements of J|| and (B / B) are expected soon In order to assess accurately benchmark LHCD experiments against CQL3D/Genray we need a method for diagnosing profiles of J|| (r), JLH (r), and E|| (r) in transitory conditions ( < res )
Method [C.B. Forest et al., PRL 73, 2444 (1994)] Perform EFIT reconstructions in time: Reconstructions constrained by measured values of (B / B), magnetics data, and measured p() (density and temperature) Reconstructions yield q(), F(), B(R,Z), and (R,Z) Compute profile of E|| (r,t) from:
Method - J|| consists of an ohmic and non-inductive contribution: Evaluate || (r,t) from neoclassical theory using the measured values of Zeff and Te . Evaluate J|| from either EFIT reconstruction or directy from MSE. Finally infer JLH(r,t) from Eq. (1). Optimal analysis in MHD free plasmas; inject RF during current rise to freeze in high q; measure E during Ohmic relaxation