the transition…
How do we get in? Where do we go? In the morning, only the front and bus doors are open. Once school begins, only the front door remains open. Supervision is provided beginning at 8:00 a.m. in the vicinity of each of these locations. Once your child arrives they will report to the cafeteria until dismissed. If you have questions/concerns about a bus number / stop location / time, please contact AISD transportation. Contact information is on the AISD homepage.
Lockers cannot hold a million things… Middle schooler… Parent… I NEED… Lockers cannot hold a million things… Backpacks must fit in the locker. Note: Backpacks are NOT permitted in the classrooms. One locker shelf can assist with organization. Homework folder is a MUST!
What did you do in school today?
The agenda & websites Student use Parent use Include all homework assignments and due dates! Check your child’s agenda…they really did do something in school today! Check the school website for daily announcements Subscribe to the parent newsletter, principal blog and twitter. Make sure you subscribe to all of your teachers websites! Join all of your child’s teacher websites both the home page and class page Check your grades on Parent Connect each week. Check Parent Connect with your child. Set triggers and talk to your child.
Its your child’s turn to go to middle school… This is the perfect time for them to learn to self advocate EXCEL
Don’t do…guide You have already gone to middle school…
It’s time to teach your middle schooler how to self-advocate… ~ Need to ask the teacher something? Have your child email the teacher. ~ IS your child having a problem in one of their classes? Have your child go to the teacher …you could role play the scenario to help guide them in regards to how to state concerns/questions ~ Did your child leave something at home? Its o.k.! they will learn from this situation ~ WE ARE HERE TO HELP WITH THESE NEXT STEPS OF DEVELOPMENT.
Electronic device… I HAVE TO HAVE ONE! NOT!
No device… no problem! Question Answer Does your child need to use technology on campus? Yes, we have campus wide initiatives which require technology. Does my child need a device of their own? Nope! Many classes have access to technology. The library is open before & after school and your child may use the computers available. When can my child use their own device? Children may use their device during school hours for school related purposes and with teacher approval. If a child is found using their device for other than school related purposes, the device is taken and held for 48 hours. A fee is charged upon return. ..this includes texting mom and dad. Please note that the office will not deliver items to your child with the exception of lunch/medical or change of pick up plan.
Social media…yikes! ~Monitor your child’s account(s) ~Know their password(s) ~Attend information sessions…this is new to all of us! ~Remember: You are your child’s model!
Late policy / attendance /make up Late work is 5 points per day up to 10 days. Falling grades may be brought up to a 70. Attendance Counts! Once a student misses more than 10% of any class, time must be made up. When 75% of a class is missed, credit is not earned. Out sick? Work sent home after three days of illness. Student has 3 days to complete and turn in assignments. Communication with teachers is appreciated. Remember to check websites. Most assignments are posted.
Got paperwork? WE DO!!!!!
Special ed / 504 / medical Teachers have paperwork BEFORE the first day of school! Students who receive support via special education or section 504 attend meetings; begin to learn to advocate for themselves.
Dress code, chaperone, etc. ~Become familiar with the dress code for students…its different at the middle school level! ~Read through the planner. It has the student handbook in it…its worth your time! ~The front office will not deliver items to your child. Forgotten lunch will be delivered to café & medical needs will be delivered to nurse. If there is an emergency or change of pick up procedure, the note will get to the child.
ETC. ~IF your child is leaving before the end of the school day, they must pick up a slip in the morning. ~Remember to check in at the front office prior to attending an appointment. ~If you need to speak with a teacher you must make an appointment. ~School hours are 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 P.m. All students are expected to be out of the building unless accompanied by a faculty member. ~IF your child has a regularly scheduled practice, tutoring, etc., It would be a good idea to have that teacher’s contact information.
Important contact numbers Gorzycki Main: 512-841-8600 6th Grade Assistant Principal: 512-841-8603 6th grade counselor: 512-841-8615, secretary: 512-841-8612 Attendance Clerk: 512-841-8607 School nurse: 512-841-8620 TRANSPORTATION: 512-414-0238 WEBSITE: HTTPS://WWW.AUSTINISD.ORG/TRANSPORTATION “Where’s the Bus” app
We would love your feedback… QUESTIONS?