Who wants to be a playwright? Play Writing! Who wants to be a playwright?
Jack Sharkey- 1931-1992 A.K.A. (Pseudonyms) Monk Ferris, Rick Abbott, Mark Chandler and Mike Johnson Writer of “…laugh-a-minute, zany, screwball farces.” Lots of fast-paced action and ambiguity- mistaken identity Lots of detailed facts supported by research Real characters with slight flaws in judgement Low to middle comedy Rated PG to PG-13 82 plays published
*Tim Kelly- 1937-1998 A.K.A. (Pseudonyms) Vera Morris and Robert Swift Most Prolific American playwright* Over 350 published plays Over 3000 plays in production per year throughout the world Lots of Action- in many different genres Fun characters and stories Low to middle comedy Rated G- appropriate for any audience* Use of much cliché, and popular sayings (phraseology)
Ev Miller- 1935- English teacher in North Dakota for 35 years Modern American writer of Realism. Based on real people and events Real, true-to-life characters with real issues Dramatic writer, with moments of comic relief- not forced Rated G- appropriate for any audience* Usually a strong theme that comes from his writings Deeper characters who reveal lots about themselves Social awareness plays
Play-writing assignment 5 – 10 minutes in length. Patterned after the style of one of the three playwrights. Consider Plot- Beginning, middle and end to story Write in “Play” format 20+ minutes of independent writing time each class period Not to be memorized You will direct other students in your play- make sure that all students are included in some way School appropriate
Play-Writing Deadline = Today (50 Pts) Sharkey Kelly Miller