S3P Agri-Food Working Committee Meeting
About the partnership Obejective: Connect relevant actors in the participating regions in order to accelerate regional development connected to consumer involvement in Agrifood Innovation. Mission statement: By consumer involvement achieve regional development and contribute to SDG:s Themes: Joint R&I, Public Debate & Awareness, Future Business models. South Ostrobothnia (FI), Midtjylland (DK), Food Valley (NL), East Central Sweden, Östergötland (SE).
Your partnership's progress to date Learn phase: scoping and mapping Qualitative instead of quantitative scoping & mapping - roundtable instead of excel sheets - combination of ambition-mapping, project-mapping and policy-mapping. ->Scoping note
Challenges Scoping discussion was centered around external goals: SDG:s and regional growth, ”demonstration projects” (most often not owned by the regional authorities). No blank slate. Resources are bound up. First challenge: Reformulate a humble idea of the added value, characteristics, functioning and workflow of a ”good” S3-partnership. The nuts & bolts of a S3-partnership. Hard to talk about challenges with no clear idea of the partnership as such. Back to square 1: Why a partnership?
Future plans Deliver added value by building small projects while discussing long-term development. Science meets parliament – Aarhus, Q3 2019. Design the workflow of the partnership including small mapping exercise (with help from commission-support). Expand the partnership.
Questions for parallel session discussion What is the role of regional authorities in the Partnerships to make interregional demonstration projects happen? Should we think of the learn and connect “phase” as “phases” that the partnership is going through, or is it better thought of them as layers running parallel with “demonstration” and “commercialisation” phases? //If we look a step further than the mapping and scoping phases: what is next? What type of projects are expected? How to plan financial commitments and instruments during the scoping and mapping phases?//
Talking about means instead of ends INTERREGIONAL VISION SDG:s Regional Growth INTERREGIONAL MEANS - ? - Building projects related to the theme can be done without the partnership. ADDED VALUE OF PARTNERSHIP?
Stay in touch! JRC-B3-S3P@ec.europa.eu s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu ec.europa.eu/jrc @S3Platform @EU_ScienceHub EU Science Hub - Joint Research Centre Joint Research Centre EU Science Hub