A 77-Kilobase Region of Chromosome 6p22


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Figure 1 Linkage across 6p24.3-21.1 with reading-related measures in sample 1 (223 U.K. siblings, 195 total sibling pairs), before and after adjustment for IQ. IQ adjustment increased the strength of linkage and refined the QTL position. The American Journal of Human Genetics 2004 75, 1046-1058DOI: (10.1086/426404) Copyright © 2004 The American Society of Human Genetics Terms and Conditions

Figure 2 Representation of the 225-kb region surrounding the QTL in sample 1. The LD map shows a three-dimensional color-coded plot for pairwise intermarker LD statistics (48 biallelic markers). The colors represent D′ values: green indicates high LD, and blue indicates low LD. The height of the peaks represents the −log10 significance of pairwise LD; high peaks indicate significant LD. Three major LD regions are distinguishable: A, B, and C. The red ribbon represents the significance of SNP associations (−ln[P value]) with the IQ-adjusted orthographic coding (OC-irreg) phenotype (see also table A1 [online only]). The SNPs that showed the strongest associations (and the corresponding P values) are indicated by arrows. The genes within the region and the locations of the SNPs are shown at the bottom. The American Journal of Human Genetics 2004 75, 1046-1058DOI: (10.1086/426404) Copyright © 2004 The American Society of Human Genetics Terms and Conditions