College Administrative Services (CAS) MySite: Earnings Reports Kevin Dalla Betta Accounting Analyst Wednesday, September 20, 2017 Michelle Weidenkopf Senior Administrative Assistant
Earnings Reports Employee Earnings Reports are available in MySite.
Earnings Reports Three most common reports: Earnings By Account - Workday Earnings History - Workday Earnings and Benefits - Workday
Earnings Reports After implementation of Workday there are now two options to run reports. The difference is on the account string. If you need a report from past years (pre-Workday) then run regular report and enter the old account string (01-XXXX-X-XXX-1-XXX-XXX-XXXX).
Earnings By Account - Workday This is an earnings report by account. Run this report if you are trying to find which employee(s) have been charged to a specific account. You will enter the appropriate worktags.
Earnings By Account - Workday This report will provide: Account Number Name of the Employee Employee ID# Pay Period This report will provide: Date Amount Units
Earnings By Account - Demo
Earnings History- Workday This is an earnings history report by employee. Run this report if you are trying to find which account number(s) have been charged for a specific employee. You will select the Fiscal Year. You will enter the employee ID number.
Earnings History- Workday This report will provide: Name of the Employee Employee ID# Account Number = Payroll Ledger charged Pay Period Date Expenditure OASDI This report will provide: Medicare Retirement Unemployment Worker’s Comp Health & Welfare Units
Earnings History - Demo
Earnings and Benefits- Workday This is an earnings and benefits history report by calendar month. Run this report if you are trying to find which account number(s) have been charged for a specific employee. You will select the Fiscal Year. You will enter the employee ID number.
Earnings and Benefits- Workday This report is similar to the Earnings History; the difference is that it is sorted by calendar month and it displays the worktags for all benefits (i.e. OASDI, Medicare, etc.). This report will provide: Name of the Employee Employee ID# All Account Numbers charged Calendar Month Number (01 = January) Expenditure This report will OASDI Medicare Retirement Unemployment Worker’s Comp Health & Welfare
Earnings and Benefits- Workday
Earnings and Benefits - Demo
FAQ When will I have access to run these reports? Answer: After receiving training, CAS will submit a work order to District IT to add report access in MySite. Why are there duplicate types of reports (one states “… - Workday”)? Answer: After implementation of Workday there are now two options to run reports. The difference is on the account string. If you need a report from past years (pre-Workday) then run regular report and enter the old account string (01-XXXX-X-XXX-1-XXX-XXX-XXXX).
FAQ I clicked on the print button and nothing happens. How do I print? Answer: The print button does not work. In order to print you must export your report to either PDF or Excel. Can I export these reports? Answer: Yes. Click on the export button ( ) and select your preferred file type.
FAQ I know for a fact that a certain account has been expensed; I entered the appropriate worktag(s) to run Earnings by Account report, and there were NO RESULTS FOUND. What happened? Answer: Pay attention to your entries. We have found that a space is entered in certain fields in front of the data you key in. Why doesn’t the Earnings by Account report match what is in Workday? Answer: Workday reflects journal entries (AKA Expense Transfers) and other adjustments that are not displayed on the earnings reports.
FAQ If I need assistance who do I contact? Answer: The College Administrative Services Office. Name & Position Telephone Email Kevin Dalla Betta Accounting Analyst 582-4437 Michelle Weidenkopf Senior Administrative Assistant 348-6225 Dolores (Dolly) Paguirigan Senior Accounting Specialist 348-6197 Elena Hill Accounting Specialist 348-6863
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