Community spirit The community spirit event will take part on july the 5th, from 14:30-19:00.
What’s on? Food. Skips crisp Choco buiscuit dips Butterkist Milkyway Chewits Mini sausage rolls Bacon and egg bites Prawn cocktail flavour shells Garlic slices
What’s on? Drinks. Coca cola cans J2o Pepsi max Lucozade Red devil energy
What’s on? Attractions Bouncy castle Henna tattoo artist Sports day race
Costs Equipment hire 2 speakers. A microphone 50 purple hats Bouncy Castle sports day pack Henna Tatoo Artist
Costs Freebies yo-yos lolli pops badge 200
Costs Advertising Newspaper Leaflets
Income Food food item Price predicted no. Sold Income skips crisp 8 pack £ 0.50 40 £ 20.00 choco buscuit dips 10 pack 50 £ 25.00 butterkist 6 pack 30 £ 15.00 milkyway 8 pack chewits 7 pack mini sausage rolls 60 pack £ 0.25 55 £ 13.75 bacon and egg bites 18 pack £ 0.30 36 £ 10.80 prawn cocktail flavour shells 6 pack garlic slices 9 peice
income Drinks Predicted drink item Price number sold Income Predicted drink item Price number sold Income 6 pack coca cola cans £ 0.50 30 £ 15.00 j20 4 packs £ 1.00 40 £ 40.00 pepsi max bottles 4 pack lucozade bottles 6 pack £ 30.00 red devil energy 8 pack £ 0.70 £ 21.00