Collaborative service planning Legal Assistance Strategy and Funding Collaborative service planning Queensland’s plan
Queensland’s model Strategic objectives Funding strategies Practical applications
Commonwealth funding: 2015-17 2014-15 Commonwealth funding amounts for individual CLCs were maintained for 2015-17 An additional $2.704 million over 2015-17 was allocated to 12 initiatives Queensland and Commonwealth funding allocations are published at:
Collaborative service planning The aim of collaborative service planning is to: coordinate and maximise the reach of services ensure that services are directed where they are most needed
Queensland’s framework A shared direction on how we will work together to: better plan for legal assistance services build an evidence base develop best practice in service design continuously improve services
Queensland’s evidence base Sector development Sector endorsement Proposed funding strategies for 2017-20 Funding allocated to CLCQ Governed by a working group QLAF endorses the evidence base Attorney-General makes the final decision
Queensland’s initiatives Agreed priority initiatives Working groups and legal assistance forums Reporting Practical initiatives that align with Queensland’s strategic direction Initiatives are assigned by the QLAF Progress is reported back to the QLAF