The Best Christmas Eve
Outside it was snowing little white flakes which fell to the ground ever so slightly. Inside little Lucy was asleep on the couch awaiting the arrival of Santa.
She had heard stories that if you are awake when Santa came, he would take you for a ride in his sleigh. So she snuggled up on the couch with her blanket and teddy and fell fast asleep.
Then she awoke to the loud of reindeer hooves on the roof. She kept her eyes open ever so slightly to see the scene unfold. thump thump
Santa slid down the chimney and popped out with his great big bag of toys.
When Santa saw her he thought she was asleep until he heard a tiny giggle. He said, “Well if you wait while I unload your presents I can take you for a ride.”
So Lucy and Santa flew up to the roof and nine reindeer appeared before her attached to the most beautiful sleigh.
She went directly to Rudolph and started stroking his head She went directly to Rudolph and started stroking his head. Santa gave a laugh and picked her up and plopped her in the sleigh. Lucy snuggled up under the warm blanket as they flew into the night sky.
Lucy’s eyes grew big as the site of the North Pole came into view Lucy’s eyes grew big as the site of the North Pole came into view. She could see Santa’s workshop straight ahead, to the left a bakery, and to the right the reindeer’s barn!
As they started getting closer she could Jingle Bells playing and the sweet smell of gingerbread cookies filling the air. Elves down below were dancing and cheering and glad Santa was back home.
As Lucy climbed out of the sleigh she was escorted to the workshop As Lucy climbed out of the sleigh she was escorted to the workshop. Inside you would not believe the scene, more and more elves all celebrating.
The night was filled with fun and more fun, as she helped make toys for next years Christmas Eve.
Santa declared it was getting late and it was time for Lucy to go home and wait like all of the other children for Christmas morning to come.
As they helped her in to the sleigh they all wished her fare well and away they flew. As it was growing near dawn Santa carried Lucy down the chimney as she had fallen fast asleep.
He laid her peacefully on the couch as the fire cast warm glows on the tree and shiny presents beneath it. As he left and looked back and he remembered the fun and said,
“Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.”
The End! By: Megan McDonald