Alignment and Results in Development Co-operation The perspective of the “Joint Venture on Management for Development Results”. Hans Pelgröm Co-chair JV on MfR 5th February 2004
Subjects Alignment as a working principle after the Rome declaration Different actors and domains of co-operation Added value of the Joint Venture on Managing for Results Draft action programme
Alignment and results Results of partner countries; contribution of donor agencies From co-ordination via harmonisation to alignment Align on policies, results and procedures Donors align their procedures to obtain results and information for their institutional requirements Aantekeningen :
Effectiveness from an agency perspective Performance systems (governance, planning, resource management, operational mgmt, delivery, quality assurance, staff quality, M&E, reporting) Links to country results (country strategies, PRS alignment) Internal performance Country-level results Partnerships Corporate and country level (consultation, donor coordination, harmonisation, transparency, information exchange)
MfR: challenges Conflicting accountability requirements Strategising: compararative advantage vs contribution to the implementation of the consensus MDG-results reporting vs donors’ need for intermediate outcome information Appropriate link between results and resource allocation
The work programme for the JV on MfR(1) JV on MfR: the lynchpin for improving management practices in the domain of the Working Party on Aid Effectiveness. Based on consultation with bilateral donor agencies and later the MDBs. To legitimise, involve partner countries
The work programme for the JV on MfR (2) Two aspects: inter-agency and with partner countries Assessment of agency performance vs country performance Prioritize the action programme Also based on priorities of partner countries
The implementation of the JV on MfR agenda A rapid learning curve Align learning experiences and foster best practices No principles without action No action without means Plan the implementation of the MfR agenda in a results-based way and start tomorrow