Manchester Grand Hyatt - Official Hotel for the GA
Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel The Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel is located at ~10 min (by car) from the San Diego International Airport.
Program & Dates 6 October 2019 7 October 2019 8 October 2019 All Day Arrival of ANOC Commissions Members and some participants 7 October 2019 Arrival of ANOC Executive Council Members and NOCs Delegates 09:00 -12:30 ANOC Commissions & Working Groups Meetings Manchester Grand Hyatt 12:30-14:00 Lunch for ANOC Delegates 14:00 -17:30 Evening Dinner for ANOC EC & Commissions Members (upon invitation) TBC 8 October 2019 Arrival of NOCs Delegates 14:00-17:30 ANOC Executive Council Meeting Reception hosted by the USOC
Programmes & Dates 9 October 2019 10 October 2019 14 October 2019 09:00 -12:45 XXIV ANOC General Assembly Manchester Grand Hyatt 12:45 -14:00 Lunch for all Participants 14:00 -17:00 Evening The ANOC Awards 2019 10 October 2019 XXII ANOC General Assembly Opening Ceremony of the AWBG TBC 14 October 2019 Closing Ceremony of the AWBG
Practical Information Visa and Entry Support - U.S. Olympic Committee Dedicated support for visa and entry Airport and dignitary services via the USOC’s Olympic Leader Travel Program Key dates to be circulated in Q1 2019. All visitors requiring visas will need to apply at a U.S. Embassy or consulate. In order for the USOC to best assist you, please apply early and adhere to key deadlines.
See you in San Diego