Vatican City, 14 th November 2007 Gemma Rauret Director ESG and the current QA trends in Southern Europe: Spain Current trends in the European Quality Assurance and the situation in Southern Europe Current trends in the European Quality Assurance and the situation in Southern Europe
1. QA in the Spanish HE system 2. ESG development 2.1 New programmes for internal QA 2.2 Agencies review 3. Trends in QA: verification and accreditation Table of contents
1. QA in the Spanish HE system
Spanish Higher Education System Universities 73 universities all over Spain (50 public – 23 private) QA in the Spanish HE system Public universities – Private universities – Total number of students enrolled
First initiatives emerged – Experimental Programme for Quality Evaluation of the university system 17 universities participated in the European pilot project 1996 – 2005 National Quality Plans by Royal Order First regional agency was set up AQU Catalonia 1999 Spain was one of the signatory countries of the Bologna declaration Three Spanish external QA organizations were founder members of ENQA QA in the Spanish HE system
ANECA19 July ANECA was set up as a non-profit making public trust on 19 July, by the Ministry of Education and Science. Mandatory accreditation were not developed and QA in Spain were mainly based in the University Quality Plan which since 2002 into the responsibilities of ANECA and the regional agencies QA in the Spanish HE system Spanish Universities Act 6/2001 laid down the basis for: Mandatory accreditation in Spain Setting up the National Agency in order to ensure the quality assurance of the Spanish Higher Education system
2007 April 2007the Spanish University Act has been was modified In April 2007 the Spanish University Act has been was modified QA is highlighted ANECA is ratified as the Spanish National Accreditation and Evaluation Agency The General Conference for University Policy is established The basis for EHEA development are established The frame for a full development of the ESG is set up QA in the Spanish HE system
ANECA regional agencies. The evaluation function as well as the ones leading to certification and accreditation correspond to ANECA and the regional agencies. Regions with regional agencies Regions without regional agencies The General Conference on University Policy regulates the cooperation conditions and mutual recognition among agencies. ANECA REGIONAL AGENCIES The development of the modified Act by Royal Decree establishes ex-ante accreditation as ANECA function. QA in the Spanish HE system
2. ESG development (2006 – 2007)
2.1 New programmes for internal QA Universities are responsible for the quality of their offers A quality culture must be stimulated inside universities as well as some processes should be developed so that they can show their compromise. Cooperation of external QA agencies (ANECA and regional ones) EGS development ( ) DOCENTIAAUDIT European Higher Education Area
MILESTONES MILESTONES of the DOCENTIA and AUDIT programmes 1. design 1.To orientate in the design of the: Models and procedures for evaluating teaching staff (DOCENTIA) Internal Quality Assurance Systems (IQAS) at universities (AUDIT) 2. design by ANECA and the regional agencies (coordinated). 2.Verification of the design by ANECA and the regional agencies (coordinated). 3. Implemented Systems by ANECA and regional agencies (coordinated) 3.Certification of the Implemented Systems by ANECA and regional agencies (coordinated) EGS development ( )
DOCENTIA Providing a frame of reference, a model and procedures for the evaluation of the teaching activity of the universities. Promoting the professional development of the university teachers (promotion) Promoting the process of decision making related to evaluation Contributing to the necessary cultural change in the universities and to promote experience exchanges among institutions to improve the quality of teaching activity EGS development ( ) G G oals
Coherence With university requirements With objectives and competences of the study plan With the university goals Satisfaction Students Academic authorities Other teachers Efficiency Teaching innovation oriented EGS development ( ) DOCENTIA C C riteria
Spanish Science and Education Ministry Guidelines Quality assurance mechanisms already in place in universities European Quality Assurance Criteria and guidelines European Experiences AUDIT Programme Internal Quality Assurance Systems (IQAS) EGS development ( ) AUDIT
Providing orientation for the design of Internal Quality Assurance Systems in higher education schools and faculties Verification of the Quality Assurance Systems design in university education Certification of implemented systems EGS development ( ) AUDIT G G oals
Quality policy and objectives Design of educational offer Development of the studies and other actions addressed to the students Faculty and support staff Material resources and services Educational outcomes Public information AUDIT G G uidelines EGS development ( )
ANECA y AQU in collaboration International basis, no national framework developed Development of methodology for self evaluation Substantial compliance of ESG by both agencies 2.2 Agencies external review European Higher Education Area EGS development ( )
3. Trends in QA verification and accreditation
TRENDS in QA New Spanish Legislation Modification of the Spanish Universities Act (April 2007) New proposal on programmes organization Modification of the Spanish Universities Act (April 2007) New proposal on programmes organization Verification Verification or ex-ante accreditation since 2008 Accreditation every six years Quality assurance has been included as one of the criteria to be fulfil in the future verification and accreditation of new university degrees
Context: new legal framework New organization of studies New organization of studies VERIFICATION Implemen tation ACREDITATION ACADEMIC ASPECTS Guidelines 1-8 VERIFICA QUALITY ASSURANCE ASPECTS Guideline 9 AUDIT INTERNAL MONITORING UNIVERSITY Guideline 6 DOCENTIA TRAINING EVALUATION ACCOUNTA- BILITY Guidelines 1-9 ACREDITA TRENDS in QA
VERIFICATION Application Application for official degree programmes New Royal Decree UNIVERSITIES Evaluation Evaluation process ProcedureExpert panel Report to the University Council TRENDS in QA
VERIFICATION: steps 1. 1.Defining and publishing the criteria, evaluation procedures and guidelines 2. 2.Publishing the expert panel composition To select and to design the experts 3. 3.Establishing mechanisms to ensure the coherence and validity of the evaluation 4. 4.Guaranteeing an appeal system Appeal Commission TRENDS in QA
The EGS The new Royal Decree Previous experiences ANECA is taking into consideration To define evaluation process for the verification TRENDS in QA
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