CITY COUNCIL Public Housing Authority Annual Plan FY18 Introduce myself, labor consultant, and go around the room Anne Lansing, Housing Assistance Officer April 16, 2018
PHA Plan Overview Annual plan required by HUD As high-performing HCV-only agency, Pasadena submits a “streamlined plan” Outlines financial resources, progress on mission & goals The Administrative Plan is a required attachment 2018 Update to Chapter 1-VAWA VAWA=Violence Against Women Act, required to comply with updated federal regulations
Progress on Mission & Goals Goal: Improve Availability of Affordable Housing. Objective: Apply for additional rental vouchers. Progress: Will receive Measure H funds for landlord incentives to increase lease up.
Rental Assistance Update City of Pasadena Housing Department administers 1,409 Housing Choice Vouchers (about 5% of all market rate apartments) 1,315 HCV currently leased up 1,249/1,317 “Section 8” 250 are Project-based 50/60 Non-Elderly Disabled (NED) Vouchers 16/32 VASH Vouchers for homeless vets Approximately 100 Special Needs non-Section 8 Vouchers 85 Shelter plus Care Homeless Vouchers 15 HOPWA vouchers for persons with HIV/AIDS
Demographics 100% very low income or below 42% Elderly (62 or over) 68% Disabled (includes Elderly) 25% Female-headed households Race/Ethnicity 61% White (including Hispanic/Latino and Armenian) 55% Minority 35% Black 16% Hispanic/Latino (inclusive of other categories) 4% Asian
Income & Rent Average Tenant rent=$544 Average Payment to Landlord=$801 Average Contract Rent=$1,345 Average annual income=$15,336 Percentage employed=23%
Current Challenges Landlord reluctance to participate Payment standards are substantially lower than market rent Paperwork, annual inspections Stereotypes and urban legends Between 2010 and today, participating landlords dropped from 532 to 421(-21%) Need outstrips supply 22K persons on waiting list Preference is given to those who live or work in Pasadena Inadequate funding HUD reimbursement rate does not keep pace with a high cost rental market
Current Initiatives Landlord Outreach Project-based Vouchers Landlord Video Participation in Property Owner Events Outreach to Landlord Associations Landlord Mitigation Fund (only for homeless vouchers) Project-based Vouchers Increase from 20% to 30% Primarily special needs housing This will complete my presentation. Please let me know if you have any questions.