~ Characteristics ~ Multicellular Eukaryotic Heterotrophs Can be put into two large categories: Invertebrates and Vertebrates Can range from simple to complex
95% of all animals are in this group ~Invertebrates~ No backbone 95% of all animals are in this group The Kingdom of Animals can be divided into smaller groups called Phyla. There are 8 main phyla of Invertebrates.
~Invertebrate Phylum Porifera~ Examples: Tube Sponge, Glass Sponge, Sea Sponge
~Invertebrate Phylum Cnidaria~ Examples - Jellyfish, Hydra, sea anemones, and corals
~Invertebrate Phylum Platyhelminthes ~ Include planaria, flukes, and tapeworms.
~Invertebrate Phylum Nematoda ~ Examples: Hookworm Trichinella…and others.
~Invertebrate Phylum Mollusca ~ Include things like snails, squid, and clams, and the nautilus.
~Invertebrate Phylum Annelida ~ Include leeches, earthworms, and polycheates
~Invertebrate Phylum Echinodermata ~ Examples: seastar, sea urchin, sand dollar and sea cucumber
~Invertebrate Phylum Arthropoda Includes insects, centipedes, and Arachnids and crustaceans.
The only vertebrate Phylum = Chordata Groups of Vertebrates Fish Mammals Reptiles Amphibians Birds