The Odyssey English 9
Epic Poem An epic is a long, narrative poem that tells the adventures of a hero whose actions help decide the fate of a nation or a group of people.
Characteristics of an epic poem: The hero is a well-known character of high social position whose qualities represent those valuable to his or her society. Supernatural forces play an important role in the plot. The action in an epic involves many great deeds and is set in many locations across a wide area. The style of an epic is formal and grand.
The Odyssey The Odyssey was written around 700 B.C. The poet Homer is given credit for writing The Odyssey.
The Odyssey The Odyssey is the story of Odysseus’ attempts to reach his home after the Trojan War. He began his journey home with 720 men and twelve ships; ten years later he was the only survivor.
The Odyssey In Homer’s time, most Greeks believed that the gods not only took an active interest in human affairs, but also behaved in recognizably human ways, often engaging in their own trivial quarrels and petty jealousies.
The Odyssey The story of Odysseus’ return from Troy contains some instances of divine interference. Odysseus has Athena on his side, but he has displeased the gods who were on the side of Troy.
Archetype A character, situation, and/or image that is recognizable in many times and cultures. Sea monster Buried treasure Wicked goddess Epic hero Loyal servant
Epithet A descriptive term or phrase used like a title to describe a person. Odysseus = “the strategist” Hermes = “strong god glittering”
Epic Theme Epic themes reflect universal concerns. Examples: Courage Beauty Loyalty Life and death The fate of a nation Homecoming