Is this daytime or nighttime? The cross section shows a sea breeze blowing from the ocean toward the land. The air pressure at the land surface is 1013 mb. The air pressure at the ocean surface a few miles from the shore is most likely 994 mb (3) 1013 mb (2) 1005 mb (4) 1017 mb Is this daytime or nighttime?
HIGH & LOW the Wind will Blow
Air moving horizontally from higher to lower pressure is WIND.
HIGH pressure (dense) air sinks and diverges (spreads out). LOW pressure (less dense) air rises and more air converges (comes together).
btw…why do you think the clouds are above the LOW?
Unequal heating creates CONVECTION CURRENTS (density currents) in fluid.
Less heat More heat Less heat Does entire planet get equally heated? High More heat Low Less heat High
It’s a bit more complex…