2/23/2019 July 2008 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [RFID Study Group Opening Introduction] Date Submitted: [17 July 2008] Source: [Mike McInnis] Company [The Boeing Company] Address [P.O. Box 3707, Mail Code 7M-CA, Seattle, WA 98124-2207, USA.] E-Mail:[michael.d.mcinnis@boeing.com] Re : [] Abstract:[Description of RFID-SG July 2008 meeting proceedings ] Purpose:[Introductory opening message to the RFID-SG meeting attendees] Notice :This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
RFID-SG Denver, Colorado Opening Introduction Monday July 14, 2008 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
Monday, 14 July 2008 1600-1800 hrs Open meeting Attendance reminder Approve/follow agenda (15-08-0462-01-rfid-RFID-SG-Agenda-July-2008.xls) Approval of Minutes from Jacksonville, FL (15-08-0349-00-rfid-RFID-SG-Minutes-Jacksonville-May-2008.doc) Discuss Meeting Objectives Discussion of Call for Applications and Contribution Release Presentations (Ask participants if there are any presentations for this session) Discussion on RFID Study Group direction and next steps Recess Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
Approval of Agenda and Minutes July 2008 Approval of Agenda and Minutes 15-08-0462-01-rfid-RFID-SG-Agenda-July-2008.xls 15-08-0349-00-rfid-RFID-SG-Minutes-Jacksonville-May-2008.doc Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
Potential Opportunity July 2008 Potential Opportunity This RFID SG offers a project opportunity for the development of a PAR and 5 Criteria toward drafting a standard PHY and MAC for RFID ultra-low energy tags and sensors which may fill a gap in wireless applications which reside somewhere between passive RFID tags and current IEEE 802.15 low-energy low-bit rate wireless standards. This is not addressed elsewhere, such as in EPCglobal or ISO. Specific problem areas include; ambiguous radio definitions, lack of co-existence, excessive handshakes with controller or network (impacts energy consumption), proprietary implementations, and insufficient security. The Study Group will define the required co-ordination needed with groups such as the IEEE, the EPCglobal group, ISO/IEC, and others. Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
July 2008 Objectives Determine whether there is sufficient interest to create an RFID Task Group through completion of PAR and 5 Criteria documents. The main objective as a Study Group is the completion of documentation required to become a Task Group. Project Authorization Request (PAR) document 5 Criteria document Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
Objectives - Continued July 2008 Objectives - Continued IEEE-SA Project Authorization Request (PAR) document Scope of proposed standard Purpose of proposed standard Need for the project Stakeholders for the standard Intellectual Property Are there other standards or projects with a similar scope? Is there potential for this standard (in part or in whole) to be adopted by another national, regional, or international organization? Note: IEEE 802.15 PARs and 5 Criteria documents can be reviewed at http://ieee802.org/15/par.html Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
Objectives - Continued July 2008 Objectives - Continued IEEE-SA Project 802 Functional Requirements, Standards Development Criteria a.k.a. the Five Criteria document. Broad Market Potential Broad sets of applicability Multiple vendors and numerous users Compatibility Distinct Identity Substantially different from other IEEE 802 standards One unique solution per problem (not two solutions per problem) Technical Feasibility Economic Feasibility Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
July 2008 Discussion Determine whether there is sufficient participation in drafting the PAR and Five Criteria documents required to become a Task Group for the purpose of developing a passive, semi-passive, or active RFID ultra-low energy tag and sensor PHY and/or MAC draft standard which would have; Broad applicability Is a unique solution for a problem Is substantially different from other IEEE 802 Standards. Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
Next Steps and Direction of RFID Study Group July 2008 Next Steps and Direction of RFID Study Group Discussion: What do you think our direction should be? Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
Next Steps Next Meeting Recess Sign up for 802.15 RFID SG Reflector July 2008 Next Steps Sign up for 802.15 RFID SG Reflector http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/15/pub/Subscribe.html Next Meeting Wednesday July 14, 2008 AM2 immediately following the 802.15 WNG meeting in Denver, Colorado http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/15/pub/Meeting_Plan.html Recess Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
Wednesday, 14 July 2008 11:30-12:30 AM Open meeting Review/Follow agenda and meeting objectives, document 0462-02. Discussion of Draft Active RFID PAR Scope and Purpose paragraphs Review of Draft IEEE 802,15 / EPCglobal liaison letter Motion to extend RFID Study Group Status for four more months (until Nov Plenary) Discuss Next Steps of RFID Study Group Next Meeting Adjourn Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
Draft Active RFID PAR July 2008 Scope of Proposed Project: This project will define the PHY and MAC for Active RFID (readers and tags) in a way that allows for efficient communications with active RFID tags and sensor applications in an autonomous manner in a promiscuous network, using very low energy consumption (low-duty-cycle), and low PHY transmitter power. The PHY and MAC scheme parameters must be flexible and configurable to provide optimized use in a variety of active RFID tag operations including simplex and duplex broadcast (reader-to-tags and tag-to-readers), multicast (reader to a select group of tags) uni-cast (reader to a single tag), tag-to-tag communication, and multi-hop capability. The PHY and MAC specification must support a large (hundreds of thousands) tag population which may consist of a number of densely populated (closely situated or packed) tags within a single reader field and must support basic applications such read and write with authentication and an accurate location determination capability. The communication reliability of the system should be very high for applications such as active tag inventory counting or auditing. Active RFID device frequency band(s) must be available world-wide, with or without licensing, and the active RFID PHY must be capable of avoiding, or operate in the presence of, interference from other devices operating within the active RFID’s frequency band of operation. It is also the intent of this project to assure coexistence of the air interface with other existing standards such as IEEE 802.15.1, 802.15.4, and 802.15.11b/g. Purpose of Proposed Project: To provide a standard for low cost, ultra low energy consumption, flexible and highly reliable communication means and air interface protocol for Active RFID and sensor applications. The air interface should be able to support wide range of needs for which active RFID systems can be useful and enable improved performance and flexibility of future mass deployments of active RFID systems Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
Draft IEEE 802.15 / EPCglobal Liaison Letter July 2008 Draft IEEE 802.15 / EPCglobal Liaison Letter To: Gay Whitney EPCglobal Inc. Director of Standards July 16, 2008 IEEE 802.15 and EPCglobal liaison letter The 802.15 WPAN™ effort focuses on the development of consensus standards for Personal Area Networks or short distance wireless networks. The IEEE 802.15 Working Group is part of the 802 Local and Metropolitan Area Network Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society. The IEEE-SA is an international membership organization serving today's industries with a complete portfolio of standards programs. The IEEE has more than 368,225 members in approximately 150 countries. Through its members, the IEEE is a leading authority on areas ranging from aerospace, computers and telecommunications to biomedical engineering, electric power and consumer electronics. IEEE 802.15 requests to liaise with the future EPCglobal Active Tag HAG Working Group. Specifically, IEEE802.15 seeks to officially establish a link with EPCglobal and to share information towards the development of Active RFID standards. IEEE 802.15 agrees to provide EPCglobal with regular status updates and to share working documents for information. EPCglobal is requested to do likewise and to provide 802.15 with recommended requirements and/or requested changes to existing 802.15 standards for Active RFID applications. Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
Draft Active RFID Study Group Press Release July 2008 Draft Active RFID Study Group Press Release The IEEE 802.15 Working Group has created an active RFID Study Group to develop an IEEE 802 'Project Authorization Request' (PAR) that will define the direction of an IEEE 802 Task Group as it develops a new active RFID wireless IEEE 802 standard. The IEEE 802.15 Working Group is part of the 802 Local and Metropolitan Area Network Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society. The IEEE-SA is an international membership organization serving today's industries with a complete portfolio of standards programs. The proposed standard will ensure a low cost, ultra low energy consumption, flexible and highly reliable communication means and air interface protocol for Active RFID and sensor applications. The active tag frequency band(s) must be available world-wide with or without licensing and must be capable of avoiding, or operate in the presence of, interference from other devices operating within the active tag’s frequency band of operation. It is also the intent of this project to assure coexistence of the air interface with other existing standards. Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
July 2008 Motion Move that the 802.15 RFID Study Group request from the 802.15 WG an extension of RFID SG status for four more months to continue development of PAR and 5 Criteria documents. Moved: Mike McInnis Seconded: Art Astrin 25/0/2 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
Sign up for 802.15 RFID SG Reflector July 2008 Next Steps Sign up for 802.15 RFID SG Reflector http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/15/pub/Subscribe.html Next Meeting September 07-12, 2008 in Hilton Waikoloa Village Kona, Hawaii http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/15/pub/Meeting_Plan.html Adjourned Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company