H2 supply paths in Noord-Holland Noord Juliana Montoya Cardona 5th December 2018 j.montoya.cardona@pl.hanze.nl Utrecht
H2 Production and consumptions projections
Hydrogen backbone in 2030 en in 2050 Sources: Gasunie Energielab Noord- Holland, Nov 2018, Piet Nienhuis
Locations of hydrogen facilities 2020 2022 2035 2050 Fuel station ( tank) H2 Producer H2 Consumer / H2 fuel H2 Consumer/ low heat
Hydrogen supply pathways. Pathways: transportation mode Production Electrolysis SMR Byproduct CAE Conversion & conditioning Compression Liquefaction Transport Gas trailer Gas pipelines Liquid trailer Storage Consumer Transport Low heat Electricity
Hydrogen supply pathways. Pathways: transportation mode Compressed H2 by truck Liquefied H2 by truck Compressed H2 by pipeline H2 by mixed pipeline and truck
Hydrogen supply pathways. Comparison minimal cost flow of each path Compressed/liquefy H2 truck Compressed H2 pipe H2 Production H2 Supply H2 Consumers Small Storage Compressor liquefaction Fuel Station
Hydrogen supply pathways. Comparison minimal cost flow of each path Compressed/liquefy H2 truck Compressed H2 pipe H2 Production H2 Supply H2 Consumers Small Storage Compressor liquefaction Fuel Station
Hydrogen supply pathways. Comparison minimal cost flow of each path Compressed/liquefy H2 truck Compressed H2 pipe H2 Production H2 Supply H2 Consumers Small Storage Compressor liquefaction Fuel Station
Hydrogen supply pathways. Comparison minimal cost flow of each path Compressed/liquefy H2 truck Compressed H2 pipe H2 Production H2 Supply H2 Consumers Small Storage Compressor liquefaction Fuel Station
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Comparison of techno-economic metrics for the three paths Levelized cost (LC) (€/kgH2) Emissions (kg CO2/kg H2) Energy required (%)
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Supply-Demand balance Spatial optimization under min- cost flow Comparison of techno-economic metrics for the three paths
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Supply-Demand balance Transport Sector Demand Required refuelling stations Year Transport (Ton/y) Small Medium large Total stations 2020 139 2 1 2022 523 5 7 2025 2036 26 13 6 22 2035 17372 224 113 48 135 2050 11970 155 78 33 246 Refuelling Stations By Size Small Medium large Max. throughput day (kg) 212 420 1000 Max. throughput year (ton) 77.38 153.3 365
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Supply-Demand balance Stationary applications Surplus Deficit Assumption: Deficit cover byH2 from the offshore wind Stationary applications where heat, electricity and CH4 can be produce from H2
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Spatial optimization under min-cost flow formulation Nodes bound 1. Conservative node : throughput capacity and flow demand. 2. Sources node : Production capacity 3. Sink node: mass flow demand Nodes flow Conservative node Sources node Sink node
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Spatial optimization under min-cost flow formulation Truck flow Compressed Gas Truck Liquefy Truck Compression cost Liquefaction cost O&M of the truck Cost transport useful load Cost flow
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Spatial optimization under min-cost flow formulation Pipeline flow Compressed Gas pipeline Compression cost O&M of the pipe Cost flow
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Pipeline flow Purple: 8 bar pressure Green: 3 bar pressure Yellow: 100 mbar pressure Orange/brown: 30 mbar pressure Sources Alliander
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Pipeline flow Purple: 8 bar pressure Green: 3 bar pressure Yellow: 100 mbar pressure Orange/brown: 30 mbar pressure Sources Alliander
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Pipeline flow Zoom in +++ Purple: 8 bar pressure Green: 3 bar pressure Yellow: 100 mbar pressure Orange/brown: 30 mbar pressure Sources Alliander
Optimal Hydrogen supply path The existing gas infrastructure cannot be use beside the transportation ( backbone) because: Cannot easily separate the different type of customers on the grids. Even ‘isolated’ areas have small low-pressure couplings with the neighbouring grids (for the sake of security of supply). Pipeline flow
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Flow considerations Capacity transportation mode. Distance between nodes. Nodes connections via existing infrastructure only the backbone, other pipeline should be new
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Location new H2 facilities in radio of 5, 10 or 20km from high consumer density region Suitable region for new H2 facility H2 production from Wind H2 demand for transport H2 demand for Heat H2 demand for electricity H2 refueling station Example
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Shortest supply path under min-cost flow formulation. With a point to point supply. Suitable region for new H2 facility H2 production from Wind H2 demand for transport H2 demand for Heat H2 demand for electricity H2 refueling station Example
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Shortest supply path under min-cost flow formulation. With a point to point supply. Suitable region for new H2 facility H2 production from Wind H2 demand for transport H2 demand for Heat H2 demand for electricity H2 refueling station Example
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Shortest supply path under min-cost flow formulation. With a point to point supply. Suitable region for new H2 facility H2 production from Wind H2 demand for transport H2 demand for Heat H2 demand for electricity H2 refueling station Example
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Shortest supply path under min-cost flow formulation. With a point to point supply. Suitable region for new H2 facility H2 production from Wind H2 demand for transport H2 demand for Heat H2 demand for electricity H2 refueling station Example
Conclusion Three H2 supply path (delivery mode) will be used in this study, based on the relative competitiveness and existing Literature on H2 distribution The method used optimize both, node to node supply flow and the location of new H2 facility under min-cost flow Compared techno-economics metrics to select the suitable path
Further work Validation the demand and production scenarios Spatial analysis of energy demand-supply density Validation of techno-economic parameters of each path for the NHN region Optimization for all the scenarios and the three paths Selections of the optimal and suitable path regarding the techno-economic metrics Spatial and temporal analysis ( monthly & daily)
Questions & Answers Juliana Montoya Cardona j.montoya.cardona@pl.hanze.nl 5th December 2018
Further work Validation the demand and production scenarios Spatial analysis of energy demand-supply density Validation of techno-economic parameters of each path for the NHN region Optimization for all the scenarios and the three paths Selections of the optimal and suitable path regarding the techno-economic metrics Spatial and temporal analysis ( monthly & daily)
Further work Validation the demand and production scenarios Spatial analysis of energy demand-supply density Validation of techno-economic parameters of each path for the NHN region Optimization for all the scenarios and the three paths Selections of the optimal and suitable path regarding the techno-economic metrics Spatial and temporal analysis ( monthly & daily)
Further work Validation the demand and production scenarios Spatial analysis of energy demand-supply density Validation of techno-economic parameters of each path for the NHN region Optimization for all the scenarios and the three paths Selections of the optimal and suitable path regarding the techno-economic metrics Spatial and temporal analysis ( monthly & daily)
Further work Validation the demand and production scenarios Spatial analysis of energy demand-supply density Validation of techno-economic parameters of each path for the NHN region Optimization for all the scenarios and the three paths Selections of the optimal and suitable path regarding the techno-economic metrics Spatial and temporal analysis ( monthly & daily)
Further work Validation the demand and production scenarios Spatial analysis of energy demand-supply density Validation of techno-economic parameters of each path for the NHN region Optimization for all the scenarios and the three paths Selections of the optimal and suitable path regarding the techno-economic metrics Spatial and temporal analysis ( monthly & daily)
Further work Validation the demand and production scenarios Spatial analysis of energy demand-supply density Validation of techno-economic parameters of each path for the NHN region Optimization for all the scenarios and the three paths Selections of the optimal and suitable path regarding the techno-economic metrics Spatial and temporal analysis ( monthly & daily)
Questions & Answers Juliana Montoya Cardona j.montoya.cardona@pl.hanze.nl 5th December 2018
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Techno-economic parameters Fueling Station based on their supply Pipeline C truck L truck Electricity consumption (kWh/kg) * 2 1.9 0.6 Hydrogen losses 0.5% 3% Depreciation 10 O&M 5% Fuelling Stations By Size Small Medium large Max. throughput day (kg) 212 420 1000 Max. throughput year (ton) 77.38 153.3 365 Avg. investment per stations (thousand €) 999 1460 2240
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Technico-economic parameters H2 Storage Production plant storage Pipeline C truck L truck Storage amount 50% daily flow 200% daily flow Storage cost (€/kg) 400 20-40 O&M 2%
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Technico-economic parameters H2 Compressor Capacity 10 kW Scaling factor 0.8 Investment 0.015 million € Life time 15 years O&M 4% of capital Cost CRF 17% Energy usage (kWh/kg) 0.7-1 Losses 0.5% H2 liquefier Capacity 50 ton/day Scaling factor 0.6 Investment 105 million € Life time 20 years O&M 8% of capital Cost CRF 17% Energy usage (kWh/kg) 11
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Technico-economic parameters Diesel tube trailer 200-250 bar≈0.5 ton ( ambient Temp.) Avg. Speed 50km/h Fuel economy 0.35 L/km Fuel price 1.4 €/L Utilization 2,000h/year Truck Investment 160,000 € Trailer & Cab 660,000 € Life time 10 years O&M 5% of capital Cost CRF 17% Loading time 1.5 h Diesel Liquid trailer 1-4 bar≈4 ton ( ambient Temp.) Avg. Speed 50km/h Fuel economy 0.35 L/km Fuel price 1.4 €/L Utilization 2,000h/year Truck Investment 160,000 € Trailer & Cab 860,000 € Life time 10 years O&M 5% of capital Cost CRF 17% Loading time 3 h
Optimal Hydrogen supply path Technico-economic parameters To defined Investment for new or upgraded pipeline in rural or urban area Life time ( depreciation) CFR (Capital recovery cost) Capacity ( density ( kg/m3)) Size ( length & diameter) Avg. pressure and temp.
Reference case : 2020 Scenario H2 Production Node 1 Zonnepark Kooihaven Node 2 H2 Windmill Wieringermeer Node 3 Vergasser Boekelemeer Node 4 Fuel Station Node 5 Tankstation NXT Alkmaar Node 6 Tankstation Hoogtij Zaandam H2 Consumers Node 7 2 H2 Boats Den Helder Pilot gebouw C H2 Heating Node 8 Node 9 H2 Tourboat Broekerveiling Node 10 20 Forklifts Den Helder Point to point flows 28
Reference case : 2020 Scenario
Reference case : 2020 Scenario Energy balance Node 1 Zonnepark Kooihaven Node 2 H2 Windmill Wieringermeer Node 3 Vergasser Boekelemeer Node 4 Node 5 Tankstation NXT Alkmaar Node 6 Tankstation Hoogtij Zaandam Node 7 2 H2 Boats Den Helder Pilot gebouw C H2 Heating Node 8 Node 9 H2 Tourboat Broekerveiling Node 10 20 Forklifts Den Helder 1226 ton of H2 per Production capacity 525 ton of H2 per year required
Reference case : 2020 Scenario Solution flows
Reference case : 2020 Scenario Solution metrics