AADD 2018 Year in Focus
Strategic Direction Goal #1: Develop a comprehensive advocacy and communication strategy to maintain sustainability of our system Increase legislative presence with the intent of providing education and information regarding the business of providing services, and assist with its dissemination to recipients and families. Coordinate advocacy efforts with the Key Coalition, the Governor’s Council and the Community Care Coalition. Expand the voice of Alaskan providers to national level. Goal #2: Expand workforce capacity within the developmental disability system Support the development of emerging leaders and programs through peer mentoring, job shadowing and professional development events. Identify shared/collaborative training opportunities, regionally and statewide. Develop meaningful workforce support for rural and remote community providers. Goal #3: Increase AADD’s sustainability Strengthen board of directors through strategic recruitment and development activities. Increase membership including outreach to rural/remote Native communities and care coordination agencies. Research other association models. Explore revenue-generating opportunities such as publications or services.
2018 Focus Areas Priority #1: Provide direction to state partners on sustainable system design. Action Steps: Communicate provider issues with State including: Harmony System Implementation Enabling Technology Implementation/Mini-Grants Compliance related issues, for example, CMS settings rule, Electronic Visit Verification, Contract vs Employee relationships, Service Delivery documentation deadlines, and Fraud & Abuse prevention. Critical nature of training resources, especially for complex behavior and medical needs Monitoring impact and Service Delivery of Individual Supports Waiver implementation to replace CDDG grants. Provide input and influence on SB74 Medicaid Reform implementation affecting DD services, including 1115 demonstration waiver
2018 Focus Areas Priority #2: Educate Legislators, Trustees and other key stakeholders regarding the integration of co-occurring conditions within developmental disability services. Action Steps: Communicate value of enacting the Shared Vision in Alaska Statute (SB174), and continue engagement in its implementation. Actively align with our partners regarding the use data shown in the 2018 DD Infographic. Emphasize the importance of shared resources such as the Complex Behavioral Collaborative and Alaska Training Cooperative. Explore new service delivery models that address co-occurring behavioral health and aging related conditions
2018 Focus Areas Priority #3: Continue to build a support network for provider agencies Action Steps: Facilitate peer mentoring, job shadowing between experienced and new providers/leaders. Initiate an annual educational and networking opportunity for provider network. Identify opportunities for creative, regional cost-effective staff training opportunities. Promote person-centered best practices throughout AADD-sponsored activities. Continue focus groups of Finance, Compliance, Hot Topics and monthly teleconferences.
2018 and Beyond…
Provider Networking Networking Lunch Today’s topics (based on interest) are: CFO Group – Susan Garner Settings & Licensing issues – Lynne Keilman Cruz & Craig Baxter Use of Technology – Rick Driscoll Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) – Allison Lee
National Trends & Awareness
Thank you! We appreciate your active membership, and participation in the activities of the Association. We are here to support you!! Remember our website www.alaskaaadd.org