Chapter 24 Industrialization & Imperialism: The Making of the European Global Order.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 24 Industrialization & Imperialism: The Making of the European Global Order

Characterizing the New Expansion 1450-1750 Motivated by spice trade (profit motive) Expansion was gradual European enclaves existed along coasts Indirect rule (subjugated local rulers) Little to no influence on local culture 1750-1914 Motivated by competition (empire motive) Expansion is rapid Europeans move inward to rule whole countries Direct rule Heavily influenced the “inferior” local cultures (taught European languages, customs etc)

Shift to Land Empires in Asia 18th century European presence in Asia is characterized by: Trade companies who wanted trade rights, not territory Profit motives, not territorial acquisitions Leeway on how to interact with natives Slow communication with directors/rulers

Java: The European Prototype Java (island in Indonesia) Dutch begin as vassals to the sultans of Mataram—later they support rivals in the sultan’s overthrow The price for their support= direct administration of spice islands Becomes the model for Europeans—use military superiority to create alliances, gain influence, and later, total control.

British Rule in India Similar to Dutch approach in Java First Phase: British East India Co. meddles in local disputes, gains allies, uses Indian sepoys to gain truest of Indian princes Second Phase: British move from being pawns of Indian princes to being their most serious rivals.

British Rule in India (con’t) Turning point: Battle at Plassey (Robert Clive) Differences from the Dutch: British Raj gain control b/c of global battles with the French; not inland raids British owe victories as much to Hindu financial backing and key Indian defections as to superior technology/fighting skills

Consolidation of British Rule Third Phase: Final advance into war-weakened India Mughal empire falling apart; regional rulers struggle on their own British expansion centers from three cities: Madras, Bombay & Calcutta These cities become presidencies, where the bulk of British territory lies Regional rulers who are allies to the British rule princely states

Why India Loses Same old problems: Regionalism means a lack of national identity (makes it hard to unite and drive out the British) Old hatreds between rulers (especially Hindu vs. Muslim) run deeper than hatred of British Ordinary Indians preferred better pay and better technology under British rule

The Growth of the British Empire in India, From the 1750s to 1858

Early Colonial Society in India and Java (until 19th c.) Native social systems were left largely undisturbed (Europeans placed themselves on top of pre-existing social structure) Adaptation (clothing, housing) was necessary for the new tropical climate Lack of European women leads to mixed marriages with Asian women

Social Reform (early 19th c.) 18th c.=Nabobs symbolic of rampant corruption of trade companies Parliament (Lord Cornwallis) reforms India Utilitarians & Evangelicals promote Western values as key to reform Westerners focus on elimination of cultural practices like sati 19th c.=Laws passed (sati outlawed) Indian reformers (Ram Mohun Roy) bolster support for Western reforms British policies are a watershed moment for world history—they signify the new balance of power and a new way of looking at the world.

Industrial Rivalries & the Partition of the World Early 19th c. = Britain dominates (due to superior naval power) Late 19th c. = Belgium, France, and the heavily industrialized Germany and USA challenge British control Political = intense rivalry; territory = power Economic = colonies seen as security for economic downturns Social = colonies seen as “safety valves” for potential social unrest

Colonial Wars and Imperialism Scientific discovery/technology leapfrogs Europeans over others Advanced weaponry, communication, transportation and metallurgy Tech. advantage makes it impossible for native populations to resist—wars are lopsided despite fierce native resistance

Patterns of Dominance Two types of colonies prevail in 19th c. Tropical Dependencies (Africa, Asia & South Pacific) Small numbers of Europeans ruling over large native pop. Settlement Colonies (N. America & Australia) Mass migrations of European settlers who made colony their home. Create White Dominions as native populations were dispersed/decimated.

Colonial Regimes/ Social Hierarchies Java is model for India; India model for Africa & Asia Europeans exploit divisions European settle mainly in large cities/towns and administer gov’t through thousands of native subordinates Major Differences Higher education NOT promoted in Africa Language skills left to Christian missionaries

Social Relations Between Colonizer and Colonized White racial supremacy becomes the norm European scholars use science to “prove” racial and moral superiority of the West Increasing tension seen as intermixing between cultures is looked down upon Europeans live separate from natives Laws restrict mixed marriages

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Methods of Economic Extraction Some things don’t change (Western rulers helped by native subordinates) Drive to increase production but lower costs Colonies become increasingly dependent Sources for cash crops Remain underdeveloped Rely on colonial power for manufactured goods Punished for not meeting quotas (ex.—Belgium’s Congo known as the “heart of darkness”)

Settler Colonies Variety of patterns of control established Settler colonies vary widely Early settled areas impacted by epidemic disease Older areas see more culture transmitted Some places resist; other do not

South Africa Dutch presence (Boers) enslaves native people (Khoikhoi) 1850s= Dutch Republics established Transvaal & Orange Free State 1790s= British fight for control Great Trek (move inland creates clashed with Bantu peoples) Boer War (1899-1902) after diamonds and gold are discovered

The Partition of Africa between c. 1870 and 1914

Pacific Tragedies Areas claimed by Europe, Japan or US Similar experience to Native Americans No immunity to diseases (isolation) Vulnerable to outside influences, which often led to social disintegration

New Zealand & Hawaii New Zealand 1790s, first Europeans Alcoholism, prostitution spread Maoris adopt firearms 1850s = time of change British farmers, herders arrive Maoris pushed into interior Adopt European culture Hawaii James Cook opens Hawaii to the West Prince Kamehameha convinced that Westernization/military aid, would help him unify his kingdom Disease devastates population Huge influx of Asian workers /American settlers Push for annexation Real imperialism comes later, when in 1893, last ruler deposed 1898, annexed by United States

Global Connections Understand the importance and implications of this chapter Industrialization and advances in science and technology catapult the West ahead of the rest of the world Thus creates an important new mindset among the West—that it is their God-given right to colonize Colonization itself moves from an indirect form to a direct form, changing/destroying native culture and supplanting the “superior” western cultural models The West will dominate the next two centuries of history for much of Asia and Africa the ramifications of this are still being felt today.