MODALITY OF COOPERATION ICPDR Coordination platform Information exchange Development strategy RBM Plan Harmonisation of methods and mechansims
RBM ICPDR StWG Monitoring Assessment Pressures Measures Flood SEG GIS PP Flood Info exchange Sava Sub-Basin Tisza Sub-Basin Prut Sub-Basin Danube Delta Further Sub-Basins Mandate & report Service support RBMP Coord & guidance
EXPERIENCE ART. 5 REPORTS Did the experience with drafting the art. 5 roof reports lead to changes in the approach for the preparation of the RBMP? Approach for Article 5 reports successful Part A – Basin-wide overview (WFD Roof Report) Part B – Detailed national reports Similar approach for RBMP
SIGNIFICANT WATER MANAGEMENT ISSUES 4 identified key water management issues in DRBD Organic pollution Nutrient pollution Pollution by hazardous substances Hydromorphological alterations
Current Discussion Points on Drafting an International DRBM Plan Definition of sub-basin and sub-unit report form
Part B Sub-Basin/national Level RELATION INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL RBMPS What will be addressed at which level? Common structure in all parts of the RBM Plan. Details Part A Roof Level Competent authorities jointly coordinate Part A. Part C is coordinated on the national level Part B Sub-Basin/national Level Part C Sub-Unit Level TWO APPROACHES Sub-Basin Approach A: Danube River Basin Level B: Sub-Basin Level C: Sub-Unit Level Sub-Basin Management Plans National Approach A: Danube River Basin Level B: National Level C: Sub-Unit Level Nationale Management Plans
RELATION INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL RBMPS Common view on the level of detail of the international RBMP in order to have most added value to national RBMPs? Agreement on basin-wide Strategy to develop the RBMP Other documents which provide transparency on RMBP process – conclusions for the national level can be drawn
RELATION INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL RBMPS specific water management issues can be best achieved and managed on the international level most efficient solution (ecological & economic efficiency) information from the local/regional/national level has to be adequately “translated” to the international level basin wide solutions - no or less efficient improvements can be achieved on the local/regional/national level nutrient management flood management (control via hydropower dams, retention areas, etc.) longitudinal continuity (fish migration) alarm systems
RELATION INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL RBMPS On level A issues of basin-wide importance will be addressed each key water management issue will be addressed find consensus: Which level is the most efficient/appropriate to implement and achieve status improvements? development of criteria to define which aspects within each issue are of basin-wide importance
ACHIEVING COMPARABILITY How and to which extent will comparability within the international RBD be aimed at, for monitoring, objectives? Set clear common objectives as far as possible (issue papers) How to deal with open issues for upcoming steps: different approaches within risk assessment (evaluations of art. 5 reports….) basic issues for comparability: WFD compliant methods (intercalibration) and monitoring network design (comparability of results?)
ACHIEVING COMPARABILITY Did you already discuss what if international coordination leads to different results than results from national or EU discussions? No – can this really be the case if agreed criteria are used? risk of failure if international issues are treated exclusively on national level RBMP is based on national information extracted to the A Level
SOLVING THE SIGNIFICANT ISSUES Which engagements are already made on solving the significant water management issues? Several documents guide towards the RBMP Strategic paper Road Map and Work Plan Issue Papers on key water managment issues organic, nutrient, hazardous substances pollution, hydromorphological alterations
SOLVING THE SIGNIFICANT ISSUES Exemptions will be discussed in the frame of issue papers part of the process of defining objectives of RBMP Are you discussing the possibility that one country will take/pay for measures in another country? not yet scenario nutrients Source control of pressure/impact – front of pipe Are there water management issues, which can be better solved where we find impact rather than pressure?
DATA AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT IM & GIS Expert Group in coordination with RBM EG Central data base for managment of reported data (danubis) Data base for chemical and biological data Danube GIS for RBMP includes GIS data includes all other information (risk categories, status assessment, etc.) Interoperability Danube GIS/EU WISE of importance to better link/coordinate reporting obligations also on the international level currently investigated (e.g. consquences for ICPDR)