Warm-Up: Do not take any paper from the tan bin. Grade 7 and 8


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Presentation transcript:

Warm-Up: Do not take any paper from the tan bin. Grade 7 and 8 PLACE YOUR HOMEWORK ON YOUR DESK. Place any supplies on your desk (paper and/or pencils). In the next table of your LINCS sheet, copy the following information: 1. Term:    Spontaneously 3. Reminding Word (sounds like or looks like): 4. Story (use the definition and the reminding word): 5. Picture 2. Definition:  suddenly

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Work Period Practice Annotating Text and Theme with Aesop’s Fables Independent Reading CHAMPS C: 0 (no talking) H: Whisper ask a neighbor, then back to work. If neighbor can’t help, raise hand to ask teacher. A: Complete annotating text with Aesop’s Fables M: Stay in seat (you may sharpen pencil, get tissue) P: Independent

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