MC Escher MC Escher Using contour line (bump in the road) and value, and artist can create fun illusions and images.
MC Escher 1898-1972 Born in the Netherlands One of the worlds most famous graphic artists. During his lifetime made 448 lithographs and over 2000 etchings and drawings.
“I play a tiresome game” Hand with reflecting sphere, 1935 Look closely, Which hand is he holding the sphere with? Evolution of the hands drawing hands concept.
How do we use value to create a 3-D illusion?
Value can be added to shapes…. turning them into illusions of form.
MC Escher MC Escher Turning shapes into forms
Shapes Or The Illusion of Forms?
Shapes or illusion of forms?
Shape or the illusion of form?
Bond of Union 1956
Magic Mirror
Changing shapes into illusions of form. Sky and Water I, 1938 Sky and Water II, 1938
Forms can emerge from shapes
“ Ascending and Descending 1960 lithograph
Convex and Concave 1955 Lithograph