Welcome to ECT*
What is ?
A European Center… Established in 1993 « bottom up » realization, supported by a broad community (ECT* associates) Strong local support (PAT/FBK, major part of funding, administration) MoU with France, Germany, Italy, Denmark and many other countries Unique in Europe (other comparable center in the USA: INT at Seattle) A large flux of visitors (about 600-700 per year)
For Theoretical Studies… Research done at ECT* is theoretical But most meetings involve theorists and experimentalists, especially collaboration meetings Some ECT* researchers have very close contacts with experimental groups Large variety of topics, mostly related to various aspects of nuclear physics. Also cross-disciplinary activities (BEC) Theoretical tools common to many branches of physics Large scale numerical calculations (BEN) Library (on site, and access to that of the Physics Department of University of Trento)
in Nuclear Physics… Nuclear physics in a broad sense (low energy nuclear physics and nuclear structure, quantum chromodynamics and hadron physics, physics of matter under extreme conditions and ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions)
and Related Areas Which includes topics in Astrophysics Particle physics Condensed matter physics Many-body theory, quantum field theory Bose-Einstein condensation
Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas ECT* European Center for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas Institutional Member of the European Science Foundation Expert Committee, NuPECC
Funding agencies EJFRC ESF - NuPECC Funding agencies EJFRC FBK ECT* Scientific Board ECT* Director ECT* Associates International community of nuclear physicists (in a broad sense)
Scientific activities at ECT* International workshops and collaboration meetings Doctoral training program(s) Visiting scientists Postdoctoral program Local research (ECT*, Univ, BEC) Teraflop cluster (BEN)