ARE YOU WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE? Mk 10:17-22 There is a price for everything worthwhile There are prices we pay in the Spiritual realm The rich man was not willing to pay the price We cannot expect something for nothing in the spiritual or physical realm
ARE YOU WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE? Mk 10:17-22 PRICE FOR PARDON Do God's will instead of ours - there is no bargaining with God Matt 7:21 Study to find out what God's will is Rom 1:16,17 Hear to produce faith Rom 10:17 Faith necessary to please God Heb 11:6; Mk 16:16 Repent or perish Lk 13:3; Acts 2:38; 17:30 Confession unto salvation Rom 10:9,10; Matt 10:32,33 Baptism saves 1Pet 3:21; a burial Rom 6:3,4 Many unwilling to give up their own will to do God's Is giving up our will to have forgiveness, to much to ask?
ARE YOU WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE? Mk 10:17-22 PRICE FOR GREATNESS Service Matt 20:27 Humility Matt 18:4; Prov 16:18 PRICE FOR FRIENDS Be friendly Prov 18:24 Be unselfish Phil 2:3,4 Treat others as you wish to be treated Matt 7:12 PRICE FOR KNOWLEDGE Acts 17:11 Apostles guided by divine inspiration Jhn 14:26 We study to gain knowledge 2Tim 2:15; 2Pet 1:5,10
ARE YOU WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE? Mk 10:17-22 PRICE FOR SPIRITUAL STRENGTH 1Cor 9:24-27 (similar to physical strength) Athletes know the price of physical strength A parallel between physical and spiritual strength Right kind of food 1Pet 2:2; Heb 5:12-14; Acts 20:28 Free from disease Jhn 8:24; Acts 8:22; Matt 9:1,12 Proper exercise 1Tim 4:7,8 Time to be a good sound Christian Heb 5:12
ARE YOU WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE? Mk 10:17-22 PRICE OF HEAVEN Live in Christ Phil 1:21 Abide in Christ Jhn 15:6 Die in Christ Rev 14:13 Live faithful till death Rev 2:10
ARE YOU WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE? Mk 10:17-22 One cannot have everything in this life We can have Heaven at the expense of the world or we can have the world at the expense of Heaven. Christ has made the supreme sacrifice (made the down payment) now we must fulfill God’s will as the balance of payment Do not be like the rich man in Mk 10:17-22