Skill Phases
Phase 1 Preliminary Movements get ready for skill footwork, balance, posture, “ready stance”
Phase 2 Back-Swing Movements take place just before force-producing movements, prepping body for force i.e. back-swing in badminton or golf
Phase 3 Force-Producing Movements executed to produce force for impact or propulsion i.e. forward swing of leg in soccer kick or of arm and stick in hockey slap shot
Phase 4 Critical Instant point that determines how effective execution of a skill is ultimately going to be i.e. when foot hits ball in soccer shot, tennis racket hits ball in backswing or hand hits volleyball in serve Cannot make any adjustments at critical instance to alter its effectiveness, must make changes beforehand Passes so quickly that it is almost unobservable (but possible using videotape analysis)
Phase 5 Follow Through Takes place after critical instant. Crucial to a skill being completed successfully i.e. basketball jump shot (follow through with hand in “cookie jar” it slows body parts down and is therefore important in preventing injuries that can occur when abruptly stopping.