WHAT DOES GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL DO FOR THE MEMERSHIP? For years the General Grand Council has provided a list of the things we do for our membership, but we have never shown the costs or attached the sacrifice that the GG Elected Offices and Regionals make of their time and finances to provide the materials and programs for the benefits of the Grand Councils and Companions.
REGIONAL CONFERENCES THE FOLLOWING IS JUST ONE EXEMPLE OF WHAT GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL DOES FOR THE MEMBERSHIP AND THE COSTS. THE BREAK DOWN OF NUMBERS All numbers are estimates and could be higher in some years and lower in other years. The numbers include the purchasing, materials, printing, labor, and a number of other office variables. Because of numerous variables we have done our best to give accurate numbers. We will concentrate on the travel costs as compared to budgeted travel costs.
There are 25 Regional Meetings During The Triennium There are 25 Regional Meetings During The Triennium. Twenty One in the States, Two in Europe, and Two in Latin America. One year cost per Regional $ 5,520.00 Nine Regionals per year $ 55,000.00 Three year cost per Regional $ 16,560.00 Three year cost per nine Regionals $ 160,000.00
Travel is approximately three fifths of the cost of the Regionals. The current budget with the per capita increase is still extremely limited. Which means your officers have little or no funds available. The total budget for Regional travel per triennium is $ 8,600.00 The budget for one year is $ 2,865.00 One Officer cost to attend all Nine Regionals will be between $10,000.00 and $ 13,000.00.