Viewing Documents from PowerChart Clinical documents are viewable from the patient’s chart by clicking on the Documents tab. The Documents tab provides access to clinical documentation for healthcare providers. ALL clinical documentation entered in eKiDs will display in the Documents tab. The tab also includes documents that have been scanned into PowerChart. Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Viewing Documents from PowerChart To view documents on a patient, you will need to open the patient’s chart. There are a couple ways to open the patient’s chart from Message Center: One way to open the patient’s chart is: To open the patients chart from the Inbox right click on the document. Select Open Patient’s Chart. Select Documents. Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Viewing Documents from PowerChart This will open the patient’s chart directly to the Documents tab. Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Viewing Documents from PowerChart Another way to open the patient’s chart from Message Center is: With the document highlighted, select the drop down arrow on the patient’s name from the patient toolbar. Select Documents. This will open the patient’s chart directly to the Documents tab. Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Viewing Documents from PowerChart You may view patients charts by using the Recent patients button by clicking the down arrow next to the icon and selecting your patient. Or you can perform a patient or MRN search directly from the toolbar by entering the patient’s name or MRN in the Name Search field. Click on the down arrow next to the Name Search field and select Name or MRN to indicate what type of search you are to perform. You can also launch a Patient Search box by selecting the Search for Specific Patient button. Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Viewing Documents from PowerChart Before viewing documents always click on the Refresh button located on the toolbar to make sure you have the most up to the minute view of the documents. The ‘minutes’ on the Refresh button indicates the last time the screen was refreshed. Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Viewing Documents from PowerChart When you first open the patient’s chart you will see a Demographics Banner displaying the patient’s information. Always make sure you are viewing the correct patient!! Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Viewing Documents from PowerChart Patient Chart tabs will show on the left hand side and will display different sections of the chart when selected. Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Viewing Documents from PowerChart When opening the patient’s chart from Message Center, the chart automatically opens to the Documents tab. Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Viewing Documents from PowerChart A list of viewable documents will be appear in the left pane. Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Viewing Documents from PowerChart The different colors next to the documents indicate the documents status. A Status Color Legend is available from the Index menu. Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Viewing Documents from PowerChart The Status Color Legend will appear. This will help identify the status of the patient’s documents. Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Viewing Documents from PowerChart If you do not see the document, try adjusting the search criteria of the documents. To change the search criteria, right click on the blue date range above the document pane. Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Viewing Documents from PowerChart The Document Lookup screen will appear that will allow you to adjust the document results by Date Range, Document Count and Admissions. Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Viewing Documents from PowerChart To view a document double click on the desired document from the left pane. A yellow dot will appear in the selected indicating that is the open document. The opened document will appear in this area. Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Viewing Documents from PowerChart To view the next available documents, you can either double click directly on the document or utilize the arrows to navigate through documents. Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Viewing Documents from PowerChart When viewing images scanned into the system you are able to scroll through each page by using the arrows. Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Scanned Images Toolbar Navigates through images Indicates current page number of document Zooms in and out of image Adjusts height of image Rotates image Prints document Settings – Allows you to adjust document viewing settings Full screen – Provides view of image Help text – Vendor related help text Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Viewing Documents from PowerChart While viewing scanned images, a thumbnail view is available so you may go directly to the image you wish to view. To view the thumbnails, click the arrows located next to the image. Double click the image you wish to view. Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Viewing Documents from PowerChart You can adjust the document panes to your preference. Hover the mouse over the bottom line of the pane until it turns into a double arrow . Hold down the mouse button and pull up the pane to desired view. Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Viewing Documents from PowerChart Important Note: You can further filter your document search criteria by making a selection from the box in the lower left corner. Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart
Viewing Documents from PowerChart Tips Viewing documents By Type is the most efficient way to look at the same document across encounters. Viewing documents By Encounter is the most efficient way to review a given visit.
Viewing Documents from PowerChart Finding an Inpatient, ED or Day Surgery Form: In PowerChart go to HELP/Policies and Procedures/Finding a Form to access the list of folders and an excel spreadsheet of the forms hierarchy. An imaged document can be made up of multiple forms. If the form number of the form you are looking for is NOT highlighted in yellow, the form you are looking for is found behind the lead form of the document that is highlighted in yellow just above it. This document should be opened as READ ONLY!
You have completed the Message Center Tutorial Click the book to exit the tutorial! If you would like additional information, please review the eKiDs Message Center Manual on KDnet at: Lesson 5 Viewing Documents from PowerChart