Lesson 2: Early Challenges Chapter 9 Lesson 2: Early Challenges Essential Question: Why does conflict develop? Learning Goal: Students will be able to identify and analyze the challenges on the frontier that the new government faced, analyze and evaluate American relations with European nations under Washington and Adams, and contrast the views of developing political parties.
The Whiskey Rebellion · Feds decided to tax Whiskey ·Many people could not afford the tax and they attacked federal officers with swords, guns, and pitchforks. They burned down buildings. ·This was called the Whiskey Rebellion Washington sent in his army to put down the rebellion. Many people said he abused his power. ·When the rebellion collapsed citizens were told when they wished to change the law it was to be done in a peaceful manner.
Struggle Over the West · The new government faced many challenging problems. Native Americans on many occasions turned to Spain and Britain to help them. ·Washington hoped signing treaties would keep the British and Spanish out, Americans ignored the treaties, this caused fighting with Indians. · General Arthur St. Clair was sent to lead against natives. In November 1791, he beaten by Chief Little Turtle of the Miami people. Over 600 soldiers died in a fight.
Struggle Over the West Contd. ·Americans teamed up with France to fight against the Native Americans and Great Britain. · In 1794 the British government told Native Americans to destroy American settlements west of the Appalachian Mountains. The British began building a fort in Ohio.
The Battle of Fallen Timbers video Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794) Washington sent massive force, led by Anthony Wayne to challenge the Natives. Destroyed over 1,000 Native Americans under Blue Jacket Treaty of Greenville Native Americans surrender most of present-day Ohio
Problems with Europe The French Revolution began in 1789. incredibly violent as the leaders were killing thousands of people including the King and Queen of France. Britain and France went to war in 1793. American citizens were divided, Washington hoped to remain neutral
Washington Struggles to Stay Neutral Washington issued the Proclamation of Neutrality. The Proclamation prohibited citizens from fighting in the war and prevented French and British warships from entering American ports.
Treaties ·Jay’s Treaty made the Spanish realize that the U.S. and Great Britain could work together against the Spanish empire in North America. -The British agreed to withdraw from American soil, to pay damages for ships they had seized, and to allow American ships to trade with British colonies in the Caribbean. ·Pinckney’s Treaty gave the Americans free navigation of the Mississippi River and right to trade in New Orleans.
People ·Edmond Genêt was sent to the United States as a diplomat to recruit British American’s to help attack British ships. ·Alexander Hamilton and John Adams were supporters that sided with the British. ·Thomas Jefferson was pro-French, thought a French victory would drive the British out of North America. ·John Jay was the chief of justice in the Supreme Court. Jay was sent to Britain to reason with them.
Washington’s Farewell ·In September 1796 Washington announced that he would not continue into his third term. ·At 64 years old George Washington retired in Mount Vernon. · Washington’s “Farewell Address” was published in a Philadelphia newspaper. “Observe good faith and justice toward all nations… Tis our policy to steer clear of permanent alliances.” – George Washington Washington also warned against political parties. He believed this was a threat to the survival of our nation.
Lesson 2 Quiz Questions 1) When did the French revolution begin? 2) What is the treaty of Greenville? 3) Who wrote Jay’s Treaty? 4) When did Washington announce his farewell? 5) Who were the leaders of Washington’s two armies?
Section 2 Quiz 1) When did the French revolution begin? Shortly after Washington was inaugurated in 1789. 2) What is the treaty of Greenville? The Native Americans agreed to surrender most of the land in present-day Ohio. 3) Who wrote Jay’s Treaty? British Chief of Justice, John Jay. 4) When did Washington announce his farewell? September, 1796 5) Who were the leaders of Washington’s two armies? General Arthur St. Claire and Anthony Wayne.
Definitions NEUTALITY -a position of not taking sides in a conflict INPRESSMENT -forcing people into service, as in the navy