Mockup Review Purple Team A MP4ever Mockup Review Purple Team A
Major Concerns Feasibility => Power Marketability => Customer Interest
Flashlight Power Testing Two methods Voltage and estimated coil resistance Simultaneous voltage and current Jogging, jumping, shaking, walking, rowing, biking Highest power output: shaking or on hip while jogging or jumping
Flashlight Power Testing On hip while jogging developed average power of 0.45 – 0.6 W Produces power to charge capacitor Capacitor steady output is sufficient to power MP3 player (~0.2 W)
Potential Markets Jogging Biking Rowing Jump Roping Walking
Market Data Research Battery Interest: Is battery life an issue? Charger Interest: Would you buy an adaptable charger for $20-30? MP4ever Interest: Would you buy a self-charging mp3 player for $20-30 on top of the original price?
Customer Needs Initial Main Customer Needs =>Reliability =>Weight =>Size =>Attachment =>Price =>Intrusiveness
Jogger Marketing Plan Base on existing mp3 player iRiver mp3player:$130 Market product as self-powered mp3 player Production cost added: $25-$30 Product cost $150-$300 depending on file capacity