Distribution Workgroup 23th July 2015 Modification 0428 – Single Meter Supply Points David Addison
Action: DX0602 Xoserve; to look to provide performance related data appertaining to the confirmations / reconfirmations process. The following values are based upon disaggregation activities for UNC Modification 0428 and therefore do not take into consideration capacity changed for BAU processes.
UNC Reference; Network Code G.4.1.2 Networks should respond to a Referral or Aggregation within 12 business days of the date the Referral or aggregation was submitted. This standard is measured over the month with a performance target of 97% per shipper. Network Code G4.1.4 In addition to this, a further payment is made if a response is not made within 17 business days.
Referrals The graph on the left is displaying the total number of referrals between 19/06/15 and 09/07/15 for all Networks. Percentage of total referrals greater than 12 Business Days (BDs): 20.7% Percentage of total referrals greater than 17 Business Days (BDs): 4.2%