Revelation of Christ: To the Community: Mark 1:21-28 According to Mark’s account, after calling his first disciples , Jesus immediately enters the synagogue where a dramatic scene follows. Jesus is in action ,teaching with unparalleled authority
Issues that are raised to be able to differentiate between the Holy Spirit of God and evil spirits. Luke 21;8 “Beware that you are not led astray; for many will come in my name and say, ‘I am he! . 1 John 1; Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God
the evil spirits know and believe in the existence & power of Jesus Belief & Acceptance John 1:12 makes a subtle but significant emphasis,; 12 But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, 13 .
Our faith in Christ goes deeper than mere belief Our faith in Christ goes deeper than mere belief. It is characterised by discipleship . It means we believe &receive Christ and all that he call us to do That is why it’s vital for us to explain to people what believing in Christ entails.
The authority of Jesus : its origin But Jesus taught differently, he came from the Father and spoke with the authority of the Word made flesh the logos, of who He was that Word. And the authorities felt threatened by Him.
The authority of Jesus & its Effects Jesus had come to fight the struggle of the spiritual forces of darkness and the forces that sought to separate man from his Creator God. The words of this demoniac bear witness to the final conquest that Jesus would have over them by his eventual death & resurrection
Source of our Power & Authority John 1;12 Tells us this ; But to as many as believed in his name , to those who received him, he gave power, the right , the authority , to become Children of God. Because we are co-heirs with Christ we have the right to exercise the Father’s authority over the powers of darkness .
The Holy Spirit Ultimate authority can only be found in God the Father through Jesus the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit who gives us insight into spiritual things. John 16.33 And when he comes the Spirit of truth, he will guide you into all truths
Scripture Romans12;17 ‘ faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God; When we tell people about Jesus, our words should be Scripture based . The Bible is its own authority because it is the voice of God We live in an age where lots of people , organisations & religions claim to be right. And to speak with authority. It can be very confusing .So we need to know the Word of God.
The Goal of the Revelation of Christ When the people in the synagogue caught a glimpse of Jesus ‘s teaching, his identity and authority, they were amazed and went about spreading the news of what they had seen and heard the disciples on the road to Emmaus, Once they got a revelation of the risen Christ Luke 24; They were moved into action; saying’ did our hearts not burn within us’ And they immediately set off to and tell others;
Charlie Cleverly ‘ there is nothing more vital for believers than fully to discern the depths of God’s personality. God will cause us to see his indescribable beauty, which will in turn focus our souls on the calling we have ; to make him known
Whether revelation comes to us as a community gathered in this way or it comes to us individually, the effect should be the same , to transform us into bearers of the good news to those around us A revelation of Christ is a call to action. The life of discipleship is not passive but active, dynamic, and vigilant.