Welcome to African-American Studies!
My name is Johnny Gay. You can call me Mr. Gay or Mr. G.
I… Am from the Winston-Salem area. Have my undergraduate in social studies education and my masters in history. Am excited about working with you in this class. Also…
I lived in China for a few years and taught English and Social Studies. Any questions about China? Just ask. ;o)
Please introduce yourself. My name is… Over the summer I… One of my favorite things about BEC is…
What to expect this semester?
African Heritage and the Atlantic Slave Trade to the Americas
African Americans Under Slavery in the New Nation
Disagreement on Slavery and African-Americans During the Civil War
Life for African Americans Post-Slavery
Development of African-American Culture
Civil Rights and Social Change
Course Syllabus Let’s take a look at the syllabus.
Class Guidelines Come to class on time and ready to learn. Always be respectful of your teacher and classmates. Electronic Devices should not be a distraction. Follow the stoplight system for lab tops. Be honest with your work. When Mr. Gay or another classmate is speaking to the class, listen please. Be encouraging. Raise your hand and ask questions when you need help.
Learning Methods Lecture, Notes, Discussion and Chapter Assessments Homework and Tests Partner Activities Class / Small Group Activities Group Projects and Presentations Internet based Research and Activities Embracing Technology Field Trip / Guest Speaker Video and Discussion Questions and Discussion
Class Website mrgaysocialstudies.weebly.com Let’s take a look at the class website. We will use it often!!!
Using your textbook effectively. Outline at Beginning of Chapter (p.5) Pay attention to bold print words. (p. 7) Glossary at back of book (p.931) Timelines at the end of each chapter are helpful. (page 30) Very Helpful! Chapter Review and Assessment at the end of each chapter. (p. 32)
‘Getting To Know You’ Activity Interact with your classmates to find out if the following statements are true for them. If it is true for them, then write down their name beside the statement. You can only write down a classmate’s name up to 5 times, so make sure you talk to many different students.
Get your student contract signed and returned tomorrow. Homework Assignment Get your student contract signed and returned tomorrow.
Fill out a student profile and submit it to Mr. Gay.
Schoology.com Sign-up for schoology.com if you are not already a member. Join Mr. Gay’s African-American Studies class.
Pre-test on African-American Studies Will be graded as class grade for completion, not based on correct answers. Answer each question the best you can. Test yourself on your knowledge of African-American Studies.
Looking-Ahead Activity Work together with your partner(s) to identify key concepts we will discuss in this class and then share it with the rest of the class on a shared Google doc.
Homework Assignment Write a paragraph (at least 4 sentences) in response to the question, “How do you think learning about African-American Studies can benefit you?” Turn in by the beginning of class tomorrow.